The Ex-Christian Scientist
Information, resources & support for those leaving or questioning Christian Science. The Ex-Christian Scientist is an informal community of former Christian Scientists who strive to assist those questioning their commitment to Christian Science as well as those who have already left it.
The Ex-Christian Scientist
1w ago
Lesson (Lesson Sermon): also known as the Weekly Bible Lesson, it is the weekly bible lesson that Christian Scientists study daily. It consists of selected passages from the Bible, with accompanying passages ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
1M ago
Christian Scientists have been lobbying the government for well over 100 years to make their special brand of faith-healing legal and covered by health insurance. The Pew Research Center notes ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
2M ago
We are revisiting content from other former-CS content creators and sharing posts that we feel might be helpful or of interest.This post originally appeared at Kindism.org and is reprinted with ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
2M ago
The Thanksgiving Day service is the only ‘special’ service the Christian Science church offers. The readings from the desk include the Presidential proclamation for Thanksgiving, as well as a few ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
4M ago
A facebook community member reflects on what self care looks like now that she has left Christian Science. I’ve been dealing with whelming anxiety for a few days now. Not ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
4M ago
When people leave Christian Science there are five questions that pop up again and again. We can only answer these questions for ourselves. By sharing these answers, we hope to shed a little light into ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
5M ago
We are revisiting content from other former-CS content creators and sharing posts that we feel might be helpful or of interest.This post originally appeared at Kindism.org and is reprinted with ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
7M ago
Does anyone know the year when the Mother Church began changing their language regarding medical care? Basically when they start started saying that CSers have a choice about whether or ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
10M ago
This is a pinned post, please scroll down for new posts! Here are a few quick links to help you more easily navigate to the content you’re looking for. Media & Books Health & Therapy Support Groups ..read more
The Ex-Christian Scientist
11M ago
Many thanks to those who helped compile these lists and resources. Leaving Christian Science: The Mental Health Episodes Licensed social worker and former guest ..read more