The Joy Of Eating Blog
The Joy of Eating Blog by Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist Rachael Hartley is your online resource for fresh and creative recipes, intuitive eating, and non-diet support. My team and I have worked with hundreds of people, helping them heal their relationship with food and live a well-nourished life. As non-diet dietitians, we are here to listen and provide the support and tools you need to..
The Joy Of Eating Blog
3d ago
When it comes to nutrition, there’s an assumption that natural is always healthier. While there is value in eating more fresh, minimally processed food, the idea that natural is superior is also at the heart of some of the most pernicious diet and health misinformation. This blog post explores the nuance behind the idea of natural ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
3w ago
As a non-diet dietitian, I’ve learned there’s a lot of questions and misconceptions about what we do that can make people afraid to reach out for help. Learn what to expect working with a non-diet dietitian in this article ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
1M ago
Diets to “balance hormones” are the latest trend on social media, and if you’re struggling with a hormonal condition (or symptoms that mimic one!), you might be feeling confused and overwhelmed with everything you’re hearing. This blog post discusses why the restrictive diet advice to heal your hormones can do a lot more harm than good ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
3M ago
There’s a good reason gentle nutrition is the last principle of intuitive eating. Without doing some work to heal your relationship with food, gentle nutrition can easily become yet another a diet. However saving it for last can make it feel like a bit of a mystery. This blog post helps demystify what gentle nutrition looks like so you are able to bring non-diet nutrition into your intuitive eating practice ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
5M ago
In this world of diet culture and fatphobia, where disordered eating is shockingly common, what is normal eating anyway? This blog post explores the definition of normal eating, and discusses some of the problems with labeling eating as normal and abnormal ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
6M ago
Most people who come to intuitive eating have recognized how depriving themselves of the food they enjoy or adequate food fuels overeating and binging, but there’s another type of restriction that impacts your relationship with food. This blog post explains how mental restriction impacts your relationship with food, and four tips for overcoming it ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
7M ago
If you're familiar with Intuitive Eating, then you know about the hunger and fullness scale, a tool to help you get back in touch with your hunger and fullness cues. This blog post answers some of the common questions and challenges I hear from clients in my practice when trying to apply the hunger fullness scale to their eating.
Working with clients on intuitive eating, one tool that is commonly used is the hunger and fullness scale. I did an in depth run down on how to use the hunger and fullness scale in this blog post, which I’d encourage you to read, but if you haven’t had a chance ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
8M ago
Years of yo-yo dieting and disordered eating can get you out of touch with internal cues, like your body's hunger and fullness signals. Learn how to use the hunger fullness scale in intuitive eating, a tool that can help you can back in touch with your food needs.
One of the lies diet culture sells is the idea that left to your own devices, you wouldn’t be able to manage eating. Without calories, points, macros, or a list of good and bad foods to keep things in check, you would just gorge yourself silly. Diet culture teaches you not to trust yourself, that you need their external rules to kee ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
8M ago
Your weight is not your worth, and yet we live in a society that does value certain bodies over others. So it makes sense that you might need a reminder of who you are outside of a body size. This blog post shares one of my favorite creative activities for building self worth.
I mentioned “petals of self worth,” the activity in this blog post, in my last post on exercises to improve body image, so I thought this post could use a quick refresh and reshare. If you’re someone who enjoys art as part of your healing, I think you’ll love this exercise. If you’re a clinician, this is also a great on ..read more
The Joy Of Eating Blog
9M ago
Body image healing is a lifelong journey, not a thing that can be “fixed” with a body positive mantra or by choosing to love your looks. Still, if you’re a “homework” person, you might find it helpful to have specific exercises or activities to do for improving body image. This blog post shares five of my favorites!
Part of healing your relationship with food is healing your relationship with your body. However, as anyone who has done this work can tell you, improving body image is hard work. Because bodies change through life, both in appearance and functionality, body image healing is a lif ..read more