Photzy » Flower Photography
Learn flower photography with simple, practical tips and tutorials, for beginners.
Photzy is an online photography school specializing in simple, proven, step-by-step tutorials.
Photzy » Flower Photography
1y ago
Nature. It is defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as, “the external world in its entirety.” But to me, nature means something a little more specific. I think of nature as the elements of our world that are not manufactured, though we can and often do create things that include it.
I find myself strongly drawn to nature as a kind of antidote to the indoor existence of modern life. Between commuting to work, spending time at the office, and keeping a household running, I often feel stifled and crave the fresh and unfiltered aspects of the natural world. In warm weather months, I am outsid ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
1y ago
Do you love nature? Are you looking to include more nature images in your photography portfolio?
Or are you looking to add creativity to the nature images that you already love to capture?
This guide will introduce you to a few of Lisa Cannon’s favorite tips and techniques for capturing creative nature images.
Here is what you will learn about:
Finding your subjects
Capturing Your Images
Lighting Matters
Using Specialized Techniques
Choosing Black and White or Color
Wide Views versus Up Close Details
When All Else Fails — Cheat
Are you ready?
Grab your exclusive copy below!
Photo Credit: Li ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
2y ago
Have you ever found yourself at a loss for what to photograph? Have you found yourself floundering for inspiration? Have you hoped that some wonderful idea would pull you out of a photography funk? We have all been there at some point. You feel uninspired and can’t really summon the energy to just get out and shoot.
The problem with photography funks is that if they go on too long, they can become a habit. And we know that regular practice builds better understanding and skill. I have always aimed for daily photography practice, but as anyone who has done a 365 project will know, that ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
2y ago
Sometimes we get so caught up in thinking about what we can do to make our photography better that we lose sight of how photography can make us better.
Think about that for a moment. You are improving yourself by using your camera. Pretty awesome thought!
In this guide, author Leanne Cleaveley walks us through her growth journey through nature photography.
Along the way, she will provide you with tips and suggestions on how to use her story as a springboard for your photography and learning experience.
She covers…
How photography can soothe the soul.
Why nature photography, in particular, is ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
2y ago
Sometimes we get so caught up in thinking about what we can do to make our photography better that we lose sight of how photography can make us better.
Think about that for a moment. You are improving yourself by using your camera. Pretty awesome thought!
In this guide, author Leanne Cleaveley walks us through her growth journey through nature photography.
Along the way, she will provide you with tips and suggestions on how to use her story as a springboard for your photography and learning experience.
She covers…
How photography can soothe the soul.
Why nature photography, in particular, is ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
2y ago
Sometimes we get so caught up in thinking about what we can do to make our photography better that we lose sight of how photography can make us better. I’ve written more than a few guides on how people can improve their photography, but as my photography has developed, I have come to appreciate how photography improves me; how it makes me a calmer, more observant, and healthier person.
Whatever your road to becoming a photographer, whether you are a professional or just shooting for a hobby, I believe that photography has some important benefits that can enrich your life. Specifically, shoo ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
2y ago
Photographs of flowers can look visually stunning. The vibrant colors, textures, and shapes lend themselves to beautiful imagery, but photographing flowers can be challenging. To really embrace flower photography, you need certain gear and potentially new settings and ways of working.
In this guide, I’m going to provide you with camera settings to help you get started, as well as looking at, other factors that will help you to get the best possible images.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
Camera gear
Composition tips to get you started
Camera settings for flower photography
Recommended Reading ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
3y ago
Photographs of flowers can look visually stunning. The vibrant colors, textures, and shapes lend themselves to beautiful imagery, but photographing flowers can be challenging. To really embrace flower photography, you need certain gear and potentially new settings and ways of working.
In this guide, I’m going to provide you with camera settings to help you get started, as well as looking at, other factors that will help you to get the best possible images.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
Camera gear
Composition tips to get you started
Camera settings for flower photography
Recommended Reading ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
3y ago
Photographs of flowers can look visually stunning.
The vibrant colors, textures, and shapes of a flower lend themselves to beautiful imagery – but photographing flowers can be challenging.
To embrace flower photography, you need specific gear and potentially new settings and ways of working with your camera and lenses.
In this free guide, Jo Plumridge tells you about the gear that you will need, some composition tips for the best pictures, and, most importantly, some camera settings to get you started.
Grab your copy and get going because summer is short!
Get it here.
Photo Credit: Jo Pl ..read more
Photzy » Flower Photography
3y ago
Spring is arguably one of the best times of the year for photography. The weather is more hospitable, the days are longer, and there’s an energy of renewal in the air.
If you’re like us, the opportunity to get out and create images without a jacket always feels like a new level of creative freedom.
As with all of the seasons, spring’s beauty is fleeting, so having the know-how, doing some planning, and having the right equipment is your key to success.
To ensure you’re ready to get out there, we’re going to cover the following in this guide:
Finding photography subjects in spring
Creating a ..read more