UX Writers vs. UX Designers: The Difference, and Why It Matters
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Shelby Heinrich
2M ago
I’ll be honest: when I first started exploring the world of user experience (UX) as a copywriter and digital media professional, I found it a little overwhelming. Even with nearly a decade of professional writing experience, this was a whole new world of content creation and strategy—with terms and processes completely foreign to me.  It almost felt like learning a new language!  Luckily I eventually found my footing, but something that especially tripped me up in the beginning was the difference between UX writing and UX design.  Are these terms interchangeable?  Is one ..read more
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Copy and Duplicate: How are they being used in UX Writing
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Bri Landry
2M ago
When I go to make a copy of a digital file I am never sure what word I am going to find. Copy is common, but copy to, duplicate, and clone are also possibilities. I was curious if there was any consistency and if there was any correlation between the digital and non digital use of the words. Non Digital Use The English language references to duplicate, and copy were varied. Some said duplicate means an exact copy. Others said it referred to where the copy would be saved. There is the idea that copy has a negative connotation while duplicate doesn’t. No one agreed on one answer and it appeare ..read more
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Navigating the Storm: The Reality of UX Writing and Content Design Layoffs
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Yuval Keshtcher
5M ago
From the daily news to your LinkedIn feed, you have probably noticed layoffs across the tech industry over the past 2 years.   These include UX writing and content design layoffs, as well as pretty much every other role. After a boom during the pandemic lockdowns, tech companies have reduced staff sizes considerably.    Whether you have a content design job or are looking for a new one, this news can feel frightening and demoralizing.   But there is no reason to be deterred from UX writing and content design as a field. While it’s important to be aware of the reality of UX ..read more
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Getting Started With UX Content Strategy: A Quick Guide
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Yuval Keshtcher
5M ago
  UX writers and content designers know there is much more to their work than just words. It’s about crafting an experience that users will find valuable, intuitive, and enjoyable – by using the right words at the right time and place. This is where UX content strategy comes into play.   If you’re a UX writer or content designer, you are likely already incorporating some of the tools of UX content strategy into your work.   This post will help you think more strategically about the skills you use day to day. In this guide, we’ll delve into what UX content strategy is, why it’s i ..read more
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Transforming content design with AI: a comprehensive guide
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Boris Slesar
6M ago
Introduction As content designers, we’re living in a time of change. Much like in the 1990s, when our profession transitioned from physical paper to pixels and code, this decade marks the shift from manual writing to AI-powered text generation. The change is inevitable and we want to be ready.   So how can we use various AI tools to our benefit? And in what ways is AI impacting the content design practice? This article will provide the answers.   AI has been compared to many things already, but the metaphor that I like the most is that of a creative co-pilot. Just like a co-pilot ass ..read more
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5 things conversation designers should be thinking about in 2024
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Hans van Dam
6M ago
If humans and AI will be living and working together, then they’ll need to learn to communicate with each other. That’s where conversation designers come in. Conversation designers are copywriters that make chatbots and voice assistants more helpful, natural, and persuasive. They create trust between people and AI, and they ensure companies can truly unlock the potential of conversational AI. Looking at current technological developments in the market today, it’s clear that conversation design is going to be an important job going forward. So let’s discuss some of the things you need to be thi ..read more
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Top 26 books anyone in UX should read in 2023 (designers, writers, and researchers)
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Yuval Keshtcher
6M ago
Want to expand your knowledge of UX writing, content design, and research? We’ve got a complete list of books for you right here. Shortcuts: Jump Straight To The rise of UX User experience design, research, and writing are all children of the digital revolution. Today there’s an app for everything, and there is massive, growing demand for people who can create great digital experiences. UX researchers learn about people’s behavior and collect relevant data, UX writers and content designers use that data to create content for digital products and interfaces, and designers visualize the conte ..read more
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UX Design Innovations with OpenAI GPTs
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Yuval Keshtcher
8M ago
It was 2008; T.I. was at the top of the charts, Netflix still delivered DVDs, and only a few of us had smartphones. With the introduction of Apple’s Siri a few years down the road, mainstream examples of “Artificial Intelligence” were scant, leaving modern depictions of the technology largely in the hands of Hollywood.     While friendly robots like C3P0 and R2D2 showed us how helpful and harmless AI could be, faceless machines like Hal 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey assured us that AI was cold, calculated, and here to destroy us all.     But then Iron Man hit theaters. An ..read more
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The Art of Voice and Tone in UX Writing
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Megan Legawiec
9M ago
Why Worry About Voice and Tone?   It’s 2023…   we’ve all had the experience of visiting a website that just wasn’t getting it right.   When we’re met with walls of droning text, It’s boring, stressful, and altogether icky.   Hopefully, you’ve also had the opposite experience, where a website or product can make you feel welcomed, heard, and seen.   It’s transformative, right!? These are the products and experiences that we just keep coming back to because it feels good to be there.   What I’m describing is the impact of the effective use of voice and tone in UX wr ..read more
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UX Writing and Conversation Design – Different or one in the same?
UX Writing Hub Blog
by Yuval Keshtcher
9M ago
Have you ever marveled at how Siri’s responses sound almost human or wondered why that chatbot on your favorite e-commerce site feels so natural?   Welcome to the intriguing intersection of UX Writing and Conversation Design, the similar, but not identical disciplines behind your seamless interactions with technology.    Let’s start by breaking down these two disciplines:   What is UX Writing?   In contrast, UX Writing focuses on the text that guides users within a product – the words on buttons, error messages, and onboarding flows.   Unlike Conversation Design ..read more
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