Future Proof M.D.
Future Proof, MD serves up digestible portions of personal finance information with a focus on topics relevant to medical professionals.
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
Update 6/24/2021: The Doximity Reserved Share Program (RSP) has ended. Doximity (DOCS) started trading today on the NY Stock Exchange. The stock ended the day at $53/share, more than doubling its IPO price of $26/share. For those of you who opted into the RSP, your shares must be paid for in full by the settlement date of Monday, June 28, 2021.
Full disclosure: I was a former Doximity Fellow from 2017-2018 so this is not a completely unbiased view. That said, I tried to approach this as objectively as possible. Doximity had no input in the writing of this post. All opinions are my own.
If you ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
Congratulations to all of the radiology residents who recently matched for fellowship on June 16, 2021!
I’ve been meaning to write a post about jobs for the residents and fellows nearing end of their formal medical training for some time now. For a variety of reasons and excuses, that never happened. Now that I am transitioning to a new job myself, I want to share some of my experience and thoughts on choosing my first job as a interventional radiology fellow and now on transitioning to my second job as an attending interventional radiologist. My decisions and opinions are shaped by my own li ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
One of the victims of the pandemic was the specialty board exams. As a recent graduate, I was supposed to take the Radiology board certification exam last year but the American Board of Radiology (ABR) decided to delay all of the exams to this year and transition them to a remote format administered online. As I approach my board exam date, I started to look for review resources. I’ve had a good experience with BoardVitals in the past - see REVIEW: 2017 ABR CORE Exam (June 8-9, 2017). So I decided to try their review product again…
Luckily BoardVitals is running a Doctors’ Day Sale from March ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
It is difficult to ignore the biggest business/financial news story of 2021 so far. The r/WallStreetBets and GameStop (GME) story has all the makings of an entertaining Hollywood movie. The meteoric rise and fall of GME’s stock price has captured the attention and imagination of millions. I have been having many conversations with friends and family members about this story. Often, the conversation starts with the question - “Should I buy GameStop?” Like most of the questions worth asking in life, the answer is a resounding “it depends”. Let’s review what we know about the GameStop saga and w ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
Happy New Year everyone! It’s been a long while since I’ve published a post. I’ve had each of the following topics drafted for some time now but never quite put the finishing touch on any of them. Inertia kicked in. Days became weeks then weeks became months. As we bid “good riddance!” to the dumpster fire that was 2020, I thought there was no better time to provide an update than now.
FPMD Market Timing Experiment Update
One of the things I get asked the most is the big bet I made trying to time the market by liquidating my stock investments in May of 2020. I detailed the reasons in Why I Sol ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
I apologize for the long lapse between posts, not sure if everyone is experiencing a surge in patient & procedure volumes, but work has been keeping me quite busy. If you’ve followed the blog, you saw how I embarked on my very own market timing experiment and the disastrous results thus far. Indeed, if we use the S&P 500 as a reference, my market timing experiment has cost me 13.4% in lost gains as of 10/2/2020. I will be writing another update post regarding that topic shortly. But one of the questions I’ve gotten consistently since I moved sold all of stocks is this - “Where do you ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
If you are a recent medical grad, chances are good you have outstanding student loans. I’m sure you are tired of the downpour of bad news that has been 2020 so far. Here’s a bit of good news: President Donald Trump has extended student loan relief to December 31, 2020 by executive action. This comes on the heels of the CARES act that suspended student loan interest and payments until September 30, 2020.
There are still a lot of unknowns about how this extension will be applied. For example, the presidential memorandum does not mention whether the additional months of suspended payments will c ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
Dave Denniston, creator of the Freedom Formula for Physicians podcast and author of The Young Physicians Guide to Money & Life, has been a long time friend of the blog. I was fortunate enough to be invited back for a 3rd time as a guest on the podcast. The episode was recorded back in March during the depth of the first COVID-19 surge - which now feels like a lifetime ago! You may find that I have made some major changes in my personal finances since the podcast. But hey, you live and you learn right? Please check out Staying the Course Despite CovID19 with FutureProof MD.
If you are incl ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
Over 2 months ago on May 18, 2020, I liquidated my stock investments. I detailed my reasons for doing so in the previous post - Why I Sold All My Stocks. The TL;DR version was that I believed the market was irrationally overpriced in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. At that time, I admitted that I was going against what many (myself included) consider to be the “best practice” for financial success - long term passive index investing. Today I want to give an update on my ongoing experiment in market timing.
The Ride Thus Far
Source: Macrotrends.net
Since I sold my stock investments on May 1 ..read more
Future Proof M.D.
3y ago
Throughout my adult financial life, I’ve always believed that the long term approach to investing is the winning approach - buy good quality companies and hold forever. As I progressed in my medical career and have less and less time to look into investments that strategy transitioned to “buy the S&P 500 and hold forever.” I am far from unique. Indeed, I’m simply one of many followers of the Warren Buffet Strategy. In a previous post about the upcoming COVID-19 Recession, I mentioned that I continue to make regular weekly investments in US stocks. I also cautioned against cashing out your ..read more