The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
Hi! I'm Nicolle. My goal is to impart information (including my own experiences) and practical steps that you can take to increase your child's safety when they are online and help them to become responsible digital citizens. I am dedicated to ensuring that information is shared in bite-sized portions and in everyday language so that you don't feel overwhelmed and that you are kept up-to-date..
The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
2y ago
Should you take your teen’s device as punishment? A touchy subject and one that I have been putting off writing about for some time. It’s been on my topic list but as a parent with 2 teens, I keep mulling it over in my head and continually reminding myself that not only are all teens […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
Bitdefender Anti-Virus Review All of us here are focused on keeping our kids safe online. There are a lot of options available to us in order to help achieve that goal. One product that every home should already have on their devices is anti-virus software. Bitdefender offers online security options to keep the family technology […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
Squid Games What is Squid Games? Squid Games is a series that has recently been added to Netflix viewing options. Chances are you have heard of it via friends, social media or even through your child. It is a thriller drama and rated MA. It contains warnings for sex, violence, suicide and foul language. It […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
Social Media for Tweens & Teens Social Media platforms continue to grow in popularity with tween and teens. Like most of our parenting decisions, it’s important to have an overall view of how it works – the good, the bad and the ugly. Social Media platforms all have an age rating attached to them in […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
Tracking Apps The debate rages on about whether you should or shouldn’t track your child’s location via their phone. Some parents feel like it is spying and that they wish to instill trust in their child whilst others prefer the piece of mind of being able to pinpoint their child’s location at any time of […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
What is Airdrop? Airdrop allows iphone users to share files such as documents, music or images between devices even if you don’t have the other person’s phone number. Items can be shared between iPhones, iPads and Macs. Airdrop is particularly useful for sharing files that are too big to email or text. Airdrop works by […]
The post Keep your kids safe from creeps by turning off Airdrop appeared first on The Cyber Safety Tech Mum more
The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
Simple Steps to stop your kids from hacking Screen Time Apple’s Screen Time, which is built into their iOS, has come a long way since it was first implemented. Initially, kids were very easily finding ways to get around it. It is like most software, it isn’t watertight and there will always be tiny windows […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
Calculator Vault Apps Calculator Vault apps are apps that your kids can download onto their devices and use to hide innappropriate images, videos and texts (from you). Because the app looks like a calculator on their device, the app and content within is easy to hide in plain sight. When the app is opened it […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
What is Snapchat? Snapchat is an app that lets people share images, videos and live messages. Although it can be used to share images from the phones camera role, it is mostly used by teens to ‘share the current moment’. When a post is made it is called a ‘snap.’ Snaps disappear in 24 hours, […]
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The Cyber Safety Tech Mum
3y ago
Top 5 Cyber Safety Tips 1 Create a Family Technology Contract. Kids need boundaries for most aspects of their lives and technology is no different. Read more about how to create a Family Technology Contract and download the template. 2 Educate yourself about the apps on your child’s device. There is no way that you […]
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