The Physio Company Blog
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The Physio Company Blog
10M ago
Are you gearing up to conquer the daunting yet exhilarating challenge of running a marathon? As you lace up your shoes and embark on this epic journey, it's crucial to prioritise not just the miles you log, but also the care and attention you give to your body. Training for a marathon isn't just about pushing your limits; it's about finding the delicate balance between endurance and injury prevention. That's where the expertise of a physiotherapist can make all the difference to your training and preparation. So, before you take off on this journey, here are 10 tips from our physios to help op ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
11M ago
Arthritis is a common chronic condition that affects the joints, causing inflammation which leads to pain, tenderness, stiffness, and reduced mobility. There is no cure for arthritis, but physiotherapy has been proven to be very effective for managing the symptoms, improving joint function and mobility, strengthening the joints, and improving quality of life for individuals living with this condition. In this blog post, we'll explore how physiotherapy can help manage arthritis and empower patients to live active, fulfilling lives.
Understanding Arthritis
Arthritis acts as an umbrella ter ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
11M ago
In today's digital age, smartphones, tablets, and laptops act almost as an extension to us, with these indispensable devices being such a big part of our lives.
While these devices offer convenience and connectivity, they also pose a significant risk to our musculoskeletal health, particularly when it comes to the phenomenon known as "text neck."
Text neck refers to the strain and discomfort that results from prolonged periods spent looking down at electronic devices, leading to poor posture and potential long-term health consequences. In this blog post, we'll explore w ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
11M ago
Have you ever experienced intense soreness or stiffness in your muscles about 24 to 48 hours after an intense workout? This phenomenon is often referred to as DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, and is a result of tiny, microscopic tears in your muscle fibres as a result of high intensity exercise, particularly a new or more intense form of exercise than your body is used to. Our Chartered Physiotherapist Leroy McEvoy is here to share his top 7 tips for DOMS recovery - check them out below!
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can be uncomfortable, but there are several strategies that ca ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
11M ago
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, more commonly known as Shin Splints, is a common condition marked by pain in the shins when walking or running. There is some debate within the medical community around the exact terminology, but generally speaking, it is an over-use injury as a result of repetitive running on hard surfaces.
Chartered Physiotherapist Conor O’Brien is here to tell us more about shin splints and share some tips on how to treat and prevent them. Read on to find out more!
What are the symptoms of shin splints?
Most commonly shin splints present as a dull ache on the inside low ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
11M ago
Strains and sprains are common injuries - a strain affecting a muscle or tendon, and a sprain being to a ligament and joint capsule - usually caused by overstretching, twisting, or trauma to the affected area.
Strains and sprains can be painful and affect mobility, and treatment and healing times can vary depending on the type and severity of the injury.
This blog provides a helpful overview of what sprains and strains are, how they happen, and what you should do about them!
What do the terms ‘Sprain’ & ‘Strain’ mean?
The term sprain and strain are used all the time and both mean a pull or ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
1y ago
Oftentimes, the importance of stretching, protein, massages and ice baths is emphasised when it comes to muscle recovery. Although these can all help, there's another vitally important element that plays a crucial role in muscle recovery but often gets overlooked, and that is sleep.
In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why sleep is so important for muscle recovery and overall health, and why it shouldn't be neglected.
Understanding Muscle Recovery
Muscle recovery is a complex process that occurs after physical activity or injury. It involves repairing damaged muscle fibr ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
1y ago
5 Best Hamstring Stretches
The hamstring muscles are involved in every day movements, helping us to walk, run and jump. Stretching the hamstrings is therefore very important for keeping them strong and loose, maintaining their flexibility and preventing injury.
Read on to find out how to perform some of the most effective hamstring stretches!
1. Standing Hamstring Stretch
For this stretch, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend forward at the hips, keeping your back straight, and reach down toward your toes. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
2. Seate ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
1y ago
The Benefits of Pilates
It is very likely that you have heard about this ‘new’ form of exercise called Pilates, which is supposedly the secret recipe to having your body looking beautifully toned for your next beach holiday.
Though it is true that Pilates can contribute majorly to your toning and muscle building goals, the benefits associated with Pilates are perhaps far more than you originally thought.
It is a common misconception that Pilates is a recent practice, when in reality it has actually been around since the first World War! Pilates was created by German physical trainer, Joseph Hu ..read more
The Physio Company Blog
1y ago
Plantar heel pain (also commonly referred to as Plantar Fasciitis or Fasciopathy) is an umbrella term characterised by pain which is generally located on the underside of the foot and/or heel. It affects about 4 - 7% of the general population over their lifetime and up to 20% of an athletic or highly active population.
Plantar heel pain is usually felt with the first few steps in the morning or weight bearing tasks particularly after a period of inactivity.
About 80% of people will have resolution of symptoms within 12 months without seeking any treat ..read more