God Blesses Radical Repentance
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
1y ago
By Edwin and Meshia Waleh   Medical School & Debt Since I can remember, I (Meshia) have always wanted to be a doctor.  I believe God made me to be a doctor, however, I wish I had taken more time to research the value and reward proposition before embarking on my medical school journey.  I would have made different school choices and not racked up $500,000 in debt.  I had no idea how challenging it would be to pay that off.   Serving in Honduras During my medical residency, Edwin and I got married.  We both had a passion to serve abroad and decided to go to Hon ..read more
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Bank Collapses and Precious Metals Redux
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
2y ago
Author: Patrick Blair   Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank recently collapsed because their depositors pulled out their money forcing these banks to liquidate their underwater investments.  Behind Washington Mutual in 2008, these were the biggest bank failures in U.S. History.  The Federal Reserve’s policy of raising short-term interest rates to attempt to fight inflation has exposed the systemic weakness of the banking system.  For good measure, Credit Suisse was recently taken over by UBS for similar reasons.   The Federal debt is now approaching $32 Trillion.&nb ..read more
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Moving Closer to a Loved One in Need of Support
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
2y ago
Author: Mitchell Abbott Moving to be near a senior loved one who needs your support can be thoroughly rewarding and challenging at the same time. As you navigate this major decision, you’ll want to consider many things, such as whether to rent or buy a home, when it’s time to go, how to help your loved one with everyday tasks, and more. Faith and Finances Ministry has provided some practical tips to help you make informed decisions at each stage: Staying in Prayer Whether to move closer to your beloved Senior can be an incredibly difficult decision. Nurturing your prayer life and seeking God ..read more
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Catastrophic Loss and the FTX Fraud
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
2y ago
Author: Patrick Blair   I recently met a sophisticated, 45-year-old* salesman who said he’d just come out of retirement, because he lost 90% of his net worth in the FTX bankruptcy.  As a result, his wife was seriously considering divorcing him and taking their young son with her.  He told me, “What are you gonna do?  Cry about it?” as if to say, ‘life moves on and I’ll keep moving forward.’  While I was impressed with his fortitude, my heart still sank.   The situation reminded me of this passage:       I have seen a grievous evil under the sun ..read more
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What’s the Real Story: the Widow’s Mite or the Temple’s Might?
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
2y ago
Author: Patrick Blair   I recently read Douglas Jacoby’s newsletter where he wrote a very thought-provoking article entitled: The Widow is Heroic, but Also a Victim.  Douglas provided key support for me in writing Faith and Finances, especially in the area of church giving.  His website has a plethora of Bible teaching and insights.  Forgive the dry humor, but I wanted to throw in my two cents on the subject.   We’ve all been inspired and challenged by the poor widow who put her last two coins into the Temple treasury.  Jesus recognized her example, so shouldn’t w ..read more
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2022 Financial Resolutions (Pick One or Make Your Own!)
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
3y ago
Author: Patrick Blair Motivation: If a pretty poster and a cute saying are all it takes to motivate you, you probably have a very easy job. The kind robots will be doing soon. -Motivation quote from Demotivators (Despair, Inc.) I get a kick out of these “Demotivators.” Here’s my own Demotivator: New Year’s Resolutions: Why make an arbitrary goal that you won’t keep? Save yourself the trouble and don’t bother! In all seriousness, to have lasting motivation from a goal, you need a deep connection to the meaning behind the goal. If you can find a goal that inspires you, use it. Here are some ide ..read more
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The Spiritual Angle on Inflation
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
3y ago
Author: Patrick Blair   Inflation is like toothpaste.  Once it’s out, you can hardly get it back in again. –Carl Otto Pohl   There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose ....  -John Maynard Keynes We have inflation almost every year, but it’s hardly noticeable.  Sure, when you look back five, ten, twenty years you recognize it, but it feels almo ..read more
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The Madness of Men
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
3y ago
Author: Patrick Blair   I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of men. –Sir Isaac Newton   The great physicist Sir Isaac Newton was credited with this quote while caught up investing in the infamous South Sea Stock bubble circa 1720. He was said to have lost his fortune in it.  Why couldn’t one of the world’s greatest geniuses figure out the stock market of his day?  Elena Holodny writes at Business Insider, “He let his emotions get the best of him, and got swayed by the irrationality of the crowd.”[1] South Seas Stock Bubble Financial markets ..read more
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Can You Afford It?
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
3y ago
Author: Patrick Blair   I loved watching the Suze Orman Show and her “Can I Afford It?” segment.  She would analyze if someone could afford something based on their financial situation and other emotional factors.  It helped give me clarity about my purchases, personality, and values.   Proverbs 13:7 says, “One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.”  Are you caught up in being perceived as wealthy?  Or do you downplay your wealth in order to keep a frugal mindset?  Your perceptions ..read more
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7 Spiritual Baby Steps
Faith and Finances Blog
by Patrick Blair
3y ago
Author: Patrick Blair Dave Ramsey teaches his “7 Baby Steps”: 1.       Save $1,000 for your starter emergency fund. 2.       Pay off all debt (except the house) with the debt snowball. 3.       Save 3-6 months of expenses in a fully funded emergency fund. 4.       Invest 15% of your household income in retirement. 5.       Save for your children’s college fund. 6.       Pay off your home early. 7.    ..read more
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