For patients, a blood draw can be more than just a routine medical procedure. The fear associated with anticipated pain can overshadow the medical necessity, leaving patients feeling anxious and dreading future appointments. This can lead to needle phobia and even avoidance of essential care in the future.
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For much of modern history, cultures have used handshakes as a greeting and a symbolic gesture to close business transactions. But, since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020, handshakes have almost entirely disappeared in favor of elbow bumps and socially distanced waves. Now, even as more people become vaccinated and are once again connecting in person, many of us are still a little leery of touching each others’ hands.
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Most of us can recall at least one encounter with a school nurse during our childhoods. Perhaps your school nurse was the comforting presence you needed when you suddenly came down with a raging fever, or put your mind at ease while patching up a playground injury. But while these experiences are certainly common, school nurses do much more than take temperatures and slap bandaids on scraped knees. And their job is ever-evolving.
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The transition from late teens to early adulthood is rife with challenges, transformations, and new experiences. It’s a time when adolescents leave behind the comforts of childhood and begin embracing the freedom and responsibility of being an adult. From going away to college and choosing a career path to handling finances and living away from home, it’s all a bit overwhelming. And navigating healthcare adds yet another layer of complexity to this life phase.
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Time has always been a precious resource in the healthcare industry. With staffing shortages and waves of COVID and other illnesses, time seems to be at even more of a premium. When pediatricians and pediatric nurses speed through appointments, patients’ fears may increase, their cooperation may be impaired, and they may even experience more discomfort. It is critical to note that patient comfort is not a frill or superfluous; rather, it is a known factor that can help or hinder medical..
Gebauer Company Blog » Pediatrics
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Keeping your youngest patients happy can pose a significant challenge for you and your staff. No matter how welcoming your pediatrics unit may be, it’s just not home. Anxiety about medical procedures, coupled with the unfamiliar sights and sounds of a busy hospital, can lead to an unpleasant experience for some children. Nurses and other staff members can’t always spend as much time as they would like calming scared or anxious children, but certified child life specialists can fill the gap.
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The month of March is all about Child Life. Child Life Specialists, that is. These men and women are often the secret ingredient to many successful pediatric departments. As we recognize these professionals this month, let’s shine the spotlight on three reasons why Child Life Specialists are so important to your facility:
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Dealing with hospitalized pediatric patients can be both challenging and rewarding. Depending on the stage of development the child is in, are required to manage his or her hospital stay. But just paying attention to the needs of the child is not enough. Parents and loved ones often show signs of stress and anxiety which can be mirrored in the child’s behavior. Ignoring the child’s loved ones can result in increased feelings of stress and anxiety for the entire family. And this can..
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Many adults experience at least some level of anxiety when preparing for a needle procedure — but for young patients, it can be especially traumatic. Often, children’s apprehension originates from a fear of bodily harm, their lack of control over the situation, and their lack of experience undergoing venipuncture.
Gebauer Company Blog » Pediatrics
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Contrary to many beliefs, children are not just mini-adults. Children of all ages are continuously developing physically, psychologically and socially. Whether they are 6 or 16, they react differently than adults when confronted with challenges and changes in their routines. This is especially true when children enter the hospital. Because they may not fully understand what is happening to them, they may become resistant to the care offered. At the same time, family members may be anxious..
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