Overcoming Common “Cognitive Biases” in Investing
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
3w ago
A cognitive bias can affect your judgment. Here are five that regularly trip up investors, and how SMI’s investing approach can help combat them ..read more
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A Wild Ride
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
3w ago
Just before takeoff, the pilot warned us to expect a bumpy ride. Some bad weather had recently moved through the area and our flight path would have us following the storm system. Few of us were prepared for the ride that followed. I’m not normally a nervous flyer, but this flight left me clinging to the armrests with a vice grip. For a good 45 minutes the plane pitched and shook, bounced, and dipped. The flight attendants stayed in their seats, except for two occasions when they had to make their way to passengers who had become sick from the turbulence. Oh, I tried to appear calm as I squeez ..read more
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SMI on the Radio: Navigating a Storm-Tossed Investing Sea (audio & transcript)
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
3w ago
When the investing waters get choppy, you’re more likely to remain safe if you stay in the "boat." That’s a metaphor for avoiding rash decisions and sticking with a well-considered investment strategy. This morning, on the American Family Radio edition of , SMI’s executive editor Mark Biller talked with host Rob West about why it’s crucial not to jump ship. The audio is posted below. Scroll down for a transcript ..read more
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Fund Upgrading Update – No Changes to Stock or Bond Upgrading for January 2025
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
1M ago
SMI isn't recommending any fund changes for January, but that's not because financial markets are smooth. We offer our thoughts on the recent market fireworks ..read more
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Trump 2.0: Using Objective Investing Models to Guide Us Through Anticipated Disruption
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
1M ago
Incoming President Donald Trump views part of his mandate as disrupting the free trade, globalist world order erected in recent decades. That could mean the U.S. stock market is headed for a period of higher volatility ..read more
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Realigning JtB Allocations With Structural Market Realities
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
1M ago
For past 30+ years, SMI’s Just-the-Basics indexing strategy has used the same asset allocation model. Now, we’re changing it. Here’s why ..read more
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Feeling God’s Pleasure
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
1M ago
SMI is here to help in 2025, but it’s up to you to run the race God has marked out for you. Run it with passion ..read more
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Bringing Your Portfolio Into Balance
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
1M ago
Over time, the allocations within your investment portfolio tend to drift from the ideal. The start of a new year is a good time to bring your portfolio back into balance ..read more
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Your Credit Score: 3 Digits That Summarize Your Creditworthiness
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
1M ago
A strong credit score could help you avoid tens of thousands of dollars in interest payments. Here's how to build and maintain a solid score ..read more
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Sighting: Ambassador Robert Lighthizer on Trade Policy
Sound Mind Investing » Christian Investing
1M ago
What is the objective of economic policy? Is it “price optimization” or “efficiency in the marketplace.”? Or is it that most American workers have good, productive jobs, stay married, have kids, and raise a family ..read more
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