Life of a Medic
An insight into life as a medical student & advice for aspiring medics. Blog posts cover experiences of medical school, tips for your application, general study tips, and life as a medical student. Author Masumah is a 3rd-year medical student from the University of Manchester.
Life of a Medic
2y ago
This is possibly the longest time I’ve neglected this blog…whoops! My intercalation year has been over for quite few months now. So, let’s talk a little more about this year before everything about it slips away from memory…
Intercalation didn’t quite match my expectations in many ways. I wrote this post a few months into the year about some of my initial thoughts and expectations that didn’t quite align to reality (both the good and the bad). One of the main reasons why I intercalated was to get that break for Medicine and that it did manage to give me! I also expected a nice and relaxing yea ..read more
Life of a Medic
2y ago
This is a guest post by Dr.Sam El Mais, M.D; a British doctor who graduated from Craivo Medical University in Romana and specialised in Internal Medicine.
What is it like to study in Europe? Many students share worries about this particular topic. It’s only natural if you have some worries too. After all, you consider spending at least 5 years of your life in a country you know too little about. You don’t know the price of food, electricity, water. What are the people there like? What are the laws?
There is so much you don’t know that it might be overwhelming. But in reality, studying in Europ ..read more
Life of a Medic
2y ago
This year been insane. When I think back to the beginning of the year it completely baffles me that I would have never been able to see the year ending the way it is. A lot happened this year and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of my personal positives. Despite the lows of this year, I thought it’d be nice to bring out the good and focus on little moments of joy and growth.
1. Clinical Medicine
You all know how much I’ve been loving clinical medicine over pre-clinical. Though it feels like a lifetime away, 2020 began with me finishing of the final couple of months of my 3rd year ..read more
Life of a Medic
2y ago
It’s been a while and now we’re knee-deep into the new academic year. I’ve been super busy with a lot of different projects, but I thought it was about time I took a moment to give a little insight into how I’m finding intercalation so far!
For anyone who doesn’t know, an intercalation is a year you can take out of your medical degree to study a different subject area. I chose to go for Healthcare Ethics & Law. I’ve talked more about my reasons for choosing to intercalate here. Now I’ve had nearly 3 months of the course and am nearing the end of my first semester…so how am I finding it? An ..read more
Life of a Medic
2y ago
The BMAT is quite different to the UKCAT, that’s something you’ll come to realise as soon as you begin preparation. Whether you’ve booked yourself in for the earlier date or the later date, as soon as you’ve sat your UKCAT, you do need to begin preparation!
Most people are quite apprehensive when it comes to the BMAT and it seems to have been branded as the “harder test”. I personally found the BMAT much better than the UKCAT and thinking back on it I think the reason for that is because I felt the BMAT was much more prepare-able. It’s a lot more like your standard pen and paper test, it’s tak ..read more
Life of a Medic
2y ago
Many of you will have already sat your UCAT. Hopefully you’ll have all achieved the scores you were hoping for, but if not, don’t worry! Here are some top tips on what to do next.
Take a deep breath
First of all, you should all give yourselves a pat on the back, because no matter what your score is, you’ve completed the UCAT which is an achievement in itself. It is a really daunting test and can be quite a stressful experience, so take a deep breath and feel the sense of relief in knowing that it’s now behind you.
Thankfully the UCAT is not a pass/fail test, so no matter what ..read more
Life of a Medic
2y ago
Welcome to the 15th (and final) week of the Virtual Medicine Open Day: giving you an insight into each of the UK medical schools and the opportunity to ask current medical students about the realities of studying there!
We are now collecting feedback on the Virtual Medicine Open Day. Please fill out this short survey for a chance to win a prize!
This post is written by Sarah Yasin, a 2nd year medical student at Dundee University.
Today I’ll be introducing to you to what medicine is really like at Dundee Medical School. From the start of my medical journey to now I have had a brilliant exp ..read more
Life of a Medic
3y ago
This is possibly the longest time I’ve neglected this blog…whoops! My intercalation year has been over for quite few months now. So, let’s talk a little more about this year before everything about it slips away from memory…
Intercalation didn’t quite match my expectations in many ways. I wrote this post a few months into the year about some of my initial thoughts and expectations that didn’t quite align to reality (both the good and the bad). One of the main reasons why I intercalated was to get that break for Medicine and that it did manage to give me! I also expected a nice and relaxing yea ..read more
Life of a Medic
3y ago
The BMAT is quite different to the UKCAT, that’s something you’ll come to realise as soon as you begin preparation. Whether you’ve booked yourself in for the earlier date or the later date, as soon as you’ve sat your UKCAT, you do need to begin preparation!
Most people are quite apprehensive when it comes to the BMAT and it seems to have been branded as the “harder test”. I personally found the BMAT much better than the UKCAT and thinking back on it I think the reason for that is because I felt the BMAT was much more prepare-able. It’s a lot more like your standard pen and paper test, it’s tak ..read more
Life of a Medic
3y ago
The BMAT is quite different to the UKCAT, that’s something you’ll come to realise as soon as you begin preparation. Whether you’ve booked yourself in for the earlier date or the later date, as soon as you’ve sat your UKCAT, you do need to begin preparation!
Most people are quite apprehensive when it comes to the BMAT and it seems to have been branded as the “harder test”. I personally found the BMAT much better than the UKCAT and thinking back on it I think the reason for that is because I felt the BMAT was much more prepare-able. It’s a lot more like your standard pen and paper test, it’s tak ..read more