Amazon Simple Storage Service
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
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Amazon EC2
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
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Amazon Simple Storage Service
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
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Kinesis Delivery Stream: PutRecordBatchRequest throws ValidationException
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
1y ago
In my Java 17 Lambda function, I am trying to send record batches to a Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream as follows: ```java List recordList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i results = firehoseClient.putRecordBatch(request).getRequestResponses(); ``` However, I always get the following error: ``` AmazonServiceException: Unable to unmarshall exception response with the unmarshallers provided (Service: AmazonKinesisFirehose; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException) ``` When I test my Delivery Stream with sample data in the Kinesis console, it works, so I don't understand what I am do more
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Dynamodb PutItem operation with conditional expression
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
1y ago
### Context Have a DDB table with schema: ``` HashKey: UserId SortKey: UUID Attribute: status ``` ### Question Want to compose a `putItem request` with below condition: 1. If userId does not exist, write to the table with PENDING status 2. If userId already exist, only allow write if the existing record is NOT in PENDING status. In another word, if the existing record is in SUCCESS status, allow write to the table. ### Expectation Write Request: `Andy(UserId) 123(UUID) PENDING` Only allow write success if there no existing `Andy(UserId) PENDING` in the table already, that is, at any time, the more
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Couldn't see the PKCS#11 .so file to access AWS Cloud HSM (Client SDK5) using Java
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
1y ago
Hi, I have installed the AWS PKCS#11 library from on Ubuntu. When I search for the PKCS#11 .so file inside **/opt/cloudhsm** I couldn't see any. The only set of .h files I see is: **/opt/cloudhsm/include/pkcs11** Normally PKCS#11 implementations for an HSM comes with a .dll or .so file which can easily be configured in Java based crypto provides like IAIK. Isn't the PKCS#11 implementation provided or is there a way to compile and make one? I already have a Java application which support PKCS#11 integration hence this will save effort integrating with AWS Cloud HSM. If not then the only option more
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Aurora Postgres Logical Replication in Java
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
1y ago
My goal is to stream the Postgres WAL inside a system that runs on the JVM. I am using Aurora RDS Postgres. If I try to run the following: ``` PGReplicationStream stream = pgConnection.getReplicationAPI() .replicationStream() .logical() .withSlotName("test_slot") .withStartPosition(lsn) .start(); ``` I get the error: ``` ; (err) ERROR: syntax error at or near "START_REPLICATION" ; (err) Position: 1 ``` Postgres logs the following command: ``` :ERROR: syntax error at or near "START_REPLICATION" at character 1 :STATEMENT: START_REPLICATION SLOT test_slot LOGICAL 0/40DCC70; ``` This does look lik more
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AWS Glue Postgres JDBC Data Source Failing with NullPointerException
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
1y ago
I am writing a Spark Job in Java for execution on AWS Glue. It attempts to connect to a Postgres database using the glueContext.getSource() method. It is failing with the following NullPointerException: ``` 2023-04-20 14:57:01,183 ERROR [main] glue.ProcessLauncher (Logging.scala:logError(94)): Exception in User Class java.lang.NullPointerException at$.$anonfun$apply$6(JDBCUtils.scala:914) at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues.$anonfun$foreach$3(MapLike.scala:252) at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter.$anonfun$foreach$1( more
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[CloudHSM][JCE provider] Migration from SDK3 to SDK5, load via key handle
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
1y ago
Hello, We currently use the SDK 3 in our Java application in order to use the HSM. We need to migrate to SDK5 since we need an algorithm only available in SDK5. To encrypt thing we retrieve the key in our application using the key handle with the following code. ```java byte[] keyAttribute = Util.getKeyAttributes(handle); CaviumKeyAttributes cka = new CaviumKeyAttributes(keyAttribute); CaviumKey key = null; if (cka.getKeyType() == CaviumKeyAttributes.KEY_TYPE_AES) { key = new CaviumAESKey(handle, cka); } else if ( cka.getKeyType() == CaviumKeyAttributes.KEY_TYPE_RSA && cka.getKeyClass more
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Using RequestStreamHandler for multiple event sources and split on batch failures
AWS Developer Forums » Java Development
1y ago
I have a use case(**Scenario 1**) where I have a **lambda **which listens to **kinesis streams** from **DynamoDB **changes, if there is an error while processing any record in the batch of **kinesis stream** I return the sequence number of the record back so that the batch can be split and since I have defined the max retries, after the retries are exhausted the failed record goes to **SQS**. This SQS also we are planning to have it as event source of the same above lambda(**Scenario 2**). Now the issue is, in case of single event source of **KDS**(**Scenario 1**) I was using **RequestHandler more
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