2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
Kim is a Registered Dietitian and Suzanne is a Certified Functional Nutrition Coach...two nutrition professionals passionate about educating folks about the power that diet and lifestyle choices have on mental and physical health.
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
Fermented foods are a healthy and tasty way to support gut health and a healthy gut means a healthy body! In this episode, we discuss what fermented foods are, how they support gut health and examples of fermented foods. We've also included a couple yummy recipes in the post on InBalanse.com ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
There are so many ideas and opinions out there about supplement and also so many different kinds and brands to choose from,. It's hard to know what's right from wrong and once you decide you want to start using supplements, it's even harder to know what to buy! In this episode, we talk about what supplements are, why we feel they're an important component of health for most people, and some key things to look for (and avoid) when buying them ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
Today we finish up our series on energy talking all about stress! We all have it, but oh-so-many of us do not deal with it well. In today's episode, we talk about why stress sucks the energy out of us and what can happen if we become chronically stressed. We finish up with the most important part, talking about our own tried and true ways we manage our own stress so that it doesn't become a chronic issue. Simple, yet crazy effective ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
This week we're talking all about sleep - why you need it, how much we should be getting and some effective things to work on that will help sent you up for a full night of quality shut-eye ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
With everything going on in the world over the past year, we all could use some help boosting energy levels. In this episode, we're talking about our favourite tip for boosting energy...how to do it and why it works so well ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
Just because you're in perimenopause, doesn't mean you have to be miserable! In this episode, we give an overview of what perimenopause is and what causes the cluster of symptoms we tend to many of us go through during this stage in life. Then we get into the good stuff - specific things you can do that will help to ease and even erase the symptoms that make us miserable. This episode will tell you how to make perimenopause a less trying experience ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
This week we're taking about sugar - what happens the body when we eat it and various symptoms and conditions you may be surprised to learn that can be affected by a high sugar diet. We also detail some useful tips to use to help break that sugar habit ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
We're wrapping up the topic of fats in today's episode. Our discussion for this one gets into the classification of fats, what we feel to be the ood, the bad and the ugly fats we can get in our diets. We also talk about safe storage and a few important points to be aware of when you're cooking with fats ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
We're taking on fats today! It's a bit of a broad topic, so we decided to break it down into two episodes. This one discusses all the things about the essential fatty acids (EFAs).
We talk about the outdated idea of the low fat or fat-free diet and why it's not a good plan for most folks. We also get into the Omega 6 and Omega 3 essential fatty acids, why they're something you should know about and be aware of when it comes to your diet. And, as you'd expect from 2 nutrition gals, we tell you how to get more of the fats you need in your diet.
  ..read more
2 Nutrition Gals and a Mic
3y ago
In this episode, we discuss the clinical definition of constipation, our opinion of that definition, and how infrequent bowel movements can affect health. We also discuss possible causes of constipation and ways in which to help get things moving ..read more