Cycling in Alignment
Cycling in Alignment is the brainchild of Colby Pearce, a U.S. Olympic track cyclist. Colby has been a Steve Hogg Certified expert bike fitter for the past 10 years and has worked with elite athletes and WorldTour teams, including EF Education First. He is also an elite coach and has been passing along his wisdom to the riders he coaches for decades. The minutiae of cycling and riding..
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Hello, space-monkeys! This is a PSA!
Going forward you will now be able to find new episodes of Cycling in Alignment with me and all of my illustrious guests on a new channel.
I would be eternally grateful for you to take an extra moment in your day to re-subscribe to the new Cycling in Alignment RSS feed by clicking on one of the links below or searching "Cycling in Alignment with Colby Pearce" on your podcast app of choice. Thank you!
Cycling in Alignment with Colby Pearce on Amazon
https://www.iheart.com ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Colby and Jeff reminisce about the glories of racing days in the past. With over 30 years in the sport himself, Jeff's knowledge and deep understanding of training and racing is layered in this comprehensive conversation. Knowing your numbers, and the numbers you want, speed, heart rate, power, etc is one thing that Jeff will help you find as an athlete, but more importantly, Jeff knows the greater significance of your perceived rate of exertion. How do you feel? It's not always just about graphs and numbers this week with Coach Winkler.  ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
We are framing the discussion on endurance training recovery around Paul Chek's, Six Foundational principles: sleeping, breathing, eating, thinking, drinking, and moving. This a perfect framework to discuss the essence of recovery.
There are many things we can do to facilitate the recovery of our muscles. Some popular techniques include massage. cryotube therapy, Norma Tech compression, ice baths, inversion table hanging, electromagnetic pulses, etc., but none are more effective than the basics.
Matt Maruka and the Light Diet: https://chekinstitute.com/podcast-episode-notes/ep-99 ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Failure is uncomfortable and unwanted but it comes across our lives in often unexpected ways. Learning how to deal with it and most importantly, learn from it is an invaluable ability. Colby the stories of a few of his biggest failures and the lessons he learned from each ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Back for a solo episode to demystify some common false beliefs about cycling. I will clarify some falsehoods related to cadence and some common misconceptions about suffering in the saddle. I expand on the idea that poor breathing is a systemic problem in our culture and outline the correct technique. Finally, I'll share some ideas around expanding your movement practice to other activities or functions outside of riding. More time in the saddle doesn't always lead to growing as a cyclist. Ride in flow.
Paul Chek - breathing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KZlCI2QmWE&t=2s
Ed H ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Jason Williams, Retül fitter at the Specialized Experience Center in Boulder, is here to discuss the methodology of Retül fitting and how the technology is used to help fitters make decisions during their fit process. We delve into the strengths and potential pitfalls of using comparative data. We also discuss the current trend of road riders slamming the saddle forward. If you have comments or questions about this episode, please post them on the Fast Talk Labs forum, there is a page for this episode. Make sure to @colby so I get the post. Thanks to Jason for making time to talk shop with me ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Happy Freedman is a 40-year bike fitting veteran and expert. Prepare yourselves for another round of bike-fitting nerd-dom. Happy and I don't agree on every aspect of bike fitting, so I hope you find the explanations of our respective thought processes helpful. We share our separate opinions on the merits and pitfalls of selling bike saddles, seat-posts, cleats, etc. as a bike fitter.
Happy's Site: HappyFreedman.com
Medicine of Cycling Conference - https://www.medicineofcycling.com
Science in Cycling - https://science-cycling.org/conference/
Podcast: What is Bike Fitti ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Jerry Gerlich, a Steve Hogg Certified bike fitter based in Austin, Texas and I go way back and share a lot of common knowledge about bike fitting due to our mutual teacher and mentor, Steve Hogg. We dork out big time and get honest about fitting mistakes and learning how to reframe those experiences as learning tools. We relate Jerry’s musical talents as a drummer to some of the same rhythms and attention skills that bike fitting requires.
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-4-watch-listen-tools-bike-fitting-jerry-gerlich/id1477543731?i=1000452902450 ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
After starting with a disclaimer, that he is not a doctor, Colby outlines a few guidelines for supplements.
First, understand the concept of bio-individuality.
Next, know that eating good, healthy food should always the first choice when you want to increase your body's performance.
Absolutely use discernment when reading labels and marketing materials related to supplements.
Answer a few questions about why you're taking supplements in the first place.
- Is it to optimize health?
- Or is it to take a shortcut? Maybe to bio-hack?
- Maybe to op ..read more
Cycling in Alignment
3y ago
Gluten is bad news for your body and today we've got an expert in the subject who will explain exactly what the long-term effects of consuming gluten are. Trevor Connor, who you know as the host of Fast Talk is also the CEO of The Paleo Diet. We talked about keto and carnivore and veganism; we talk a lot about gluten and specifically the challenges that it brings. We get geeky and scientific in this episode but don't worry if you're not a science person; you're not going to get lost. Trevor does a great job of bringing it back to some relatable and understandable context.
Ani ..read more