Fabrics Store Blog
Covers tutorials, style news, success hacks and linen information. Fabrics Store is a collective of individuals passionate about their crafts.
Fabrics Store Blog
4d ago
One time a boyfriend put together High Tea for me on February 14th. I nibbled on pastries while wearing a tight pink velvet dress I made. Sometime later, in between High Tea and breaking up with him, he told me he didn’t like my dress. The hope of enjoying that dress again after hearing that ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
4d ago
Throughout his long and prolific career, Marc Chagall discovered how his whimsical, playful imagery was transferable into a whole range of media, ranging from drawing and painting to ceramics, theatre designs, mosaics, costumes and textiles. He discovered the joy of fabric as early as the 1920s while producing fabric backdrops and costume designs for the ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
1w ago
Here’s the situation so far. Valentine’s Day. I think I’ve had about three years of feeling terribly lonely, two years of awkwardness with boyfriends I quickly decided I needed to break up with, 26 years of feeling indifferent, and the crown jewel, one year of exchanging silly valentines puns while a gentle romance unfolded. So ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
1w ago
The American-Japanese sculptor, furniture designer and landscape architect Isamu Noguchi was one of the most singular and ambitious voices of the 20th century. Throughout his long and prolific career, Noguchi produced gardens, playgrounds, sculptures and monumental public art, along with furniture and architecture, which merged Japanese and American visual culture, and became part of his ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
2w ago
From psychedelic swirls to towering fragments of brutalist architecture, the pioneering textiles of British designer Barbara Brown encapsulated the spirit of the 1960s space age. Looking to the future of design, she took inspiration from – as she put it – “machines and architecture”, to create visually striking patterns featuring vivid colours and dizzying optical ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
3w ago
Karlijn, the founder of The Light Clinic, stood out right from the start. Always dressed on point with an impeccable yet understated style, an open face and a great smile that made it easy for you to approach her and say hello, and that is exactly how we met over a decade ago whilst picking ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
3w ago
Truing is all about ensuring that the edges, curves, and seam lines of a pattern come together seamlessly during sewing. This important step helps prevent common issues like mismatched seams, uneven hems, and awkward transitions. By smoothing out sharp points and irregular lines, the garment will have a more polished, and professional finish. Since there ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
3w ago
Textile designer and artist Althea McNish holds a significant place in history, as the first designer of African-Caribbean descent to find international success. Her lively, exuberant textiles were a breath of fresh air in postwar 1950s Britain, injecting the cultural landscape with great swathes of lush, tropical colour. Turner found the inspiration for her fertile ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
1M ago
Rotary Cutter For many years, I was not into the world of rotary cutting. And for many years, I was a great fool for not being into the world of rotary cutting. It’s better, altogether better. The cuts are more crisp. It’s faster. The fabric isn’t as prone to distortion when cutting through multiple layers ..read more
Fabrics Store Blog
1M ago
20th century British artist Henry Moore’s monumental sculpture is widely known and celebrated across the world, but perhaps less well studied is his intriguing relationship with textiles. During the 1940s and 1950s, Moore produced a body of textile designs, which open up a new understanding of his visual language, and his way of seeing and ..read more