Racial and cultural bias in AI
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Caleb Onah, MS
6M ago
Psychotherapy as a tool for treating various mental and physical health disorders has long been established as an effective treatment modality for mental disorders in Western populations, demonstrating efficacy and long-term efficiency (Kim et al., 2019). However, some authors argue that Western approaches and models in psychotherapy may not be suitable for Black Africans (Shatte ..read more
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An exploration of queer-affirmative practices
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Damini Yadav, MS
6M ago
The vantage point of a queer-identifying therapist is uniquely translucent; I see some things in sharp resolution, while there are other things that remain opaque. How does a queer therapist affirm a queerness that endangers them as well? How does a queer therapist affirm a queerness that bemuses them? Sitting across from a patient tussling ..read more
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New book for training on understanding thoughts of a therapist
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Richard Makover, M.D.
7M ago
My third book on psychotherapy is Annotated Psychotherapy, A Session by Session Look at How a Therapist Thinks, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024. After a brief review of some fundamental principles, Annotated Psychotherapy employs a unique format to demonstrate how effective psychotherapy works. It uses a “script” to present session transcripts for eight different clients/patients ..read more
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Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Pat DeLeon, Ph.D.
7M ago
Enhancing Psychology’s Public Policy/ Political Presence Reflecting upon the APA/APA Services’ Grassroots Fly-In, Katherine McGuire, APA’s Chief Advocacy Officer, noted: “We were thrilled to host 70 psychologists representing over 40 states during our June Fly-In, Advancing Health Equity Across the Lifespan in Washington, D.C.  Participants included Federal Advocacy Coordinators (FACs) and Directors of Professional Affairs (DPAs) from State, Provincial and Territorial Associations (SPTAs); Federal Education Coordinators Advocacy (FEDACs); leadership and members of the APA Board ..read more
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Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Stewart E. Cooper, PhD, ABPP
7M ago
It is an honor to be President-Elect for the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. The goal of this column is to share my four Presidential Initiatives for 2025 and ask you to collaborate with me to co-create their fulfillment. I hope you will share my excitement about them, as they have the capacity to propel us, as a unique Division within APA, to thrive now and in the future. The SAP Board has approved that our focus will center on these four overlapping and synergistic priorities: (1) furthering the deepening of the understanding and incorporation of identity and culture in the sci ..read more
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Electronic Communications Editor Summer Column
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Zoe Ross-Nash, PsyD
7M ago
Happy Summer SAP! I hope warmer weather and long, sunny days have been on your calendar. Summer can mean a lightened workload, more time with loved ones, or a conclusion to the academic year. Given the American Psychological Association’s annual conference on the horizon, the importance of collegial relationships within the mental health community has been on my mind. Conferences are an amazing time to connect with fellow researchers and clinicians. Please look at this year’s conference agenda linked here. As once described by Amy Ellis, Division 29 offers a “professional home” to many clinici ..read more
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Concerns about the popularity of Internal Family Systems
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Lisa M. Brownstone, PhD
8M ago
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a theory of mind organization developed by Richard Schwartz in the 1990s, which posits that the mind is an internal system of parts that exist separately and in conversation with one another. While this approach, on the surface, sounds like many theories of psychotherapy (e.g., any theory that discusses how contradictory internal experiences co-exist), IFS is unique in its labeling and separation of such parts into “vulnerable” and “protective” categories, and into roles like “exile,” “firefighter,” “manager” and “Self.” IFS focuses on helping clients have thei ..read more
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5 myths about ethics
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Samuel Knapp, Ed.D.
8M ago
The strength of a profession lies in its ethical foundations. Yet, students often enter graduate study with misconceptions about professional ethics, and some practicing psychologists may still hold these beliefs. These misconceptions include the notion that ethics is only about following one’s personal beliefs or adhering to laws or codes, ethical infractions are made only by the “bad apples” in the profession, ethics should instill fear, and reaching ethical potential is a solitary journey. While containing a grain of truth, these myths can be misleading and harmful if not addressed. Whether ..read more
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The need for religious and spirituality training
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Juliane Nguyen, M.Psy.
8M ago
There has been a recent question in American Psychological Association’s (APA) Monitor on Psychology asking, “Can religion and spirituality have a place in therapy?” (Abrams, 2023). APA’s 2023 President Thema Bryant, PhD, and other mental health professionals believe religion and spirituality have a place in psychotherapy and also agree that clinicians should receive training in religious and spiritual competencies in training programs (Vieten et al., 2023). Discussions surrounding diversity encompass a variety of identity factors that an individual relates to or identifies with. Culture, race ..read more
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Call for Nominations: Social Media Coordinator 2025
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
by Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
8M ago
The Publications Board of the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (SAP) is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for the position of Social Media Coordinator. Candidates should be available to assume the title of incoming Social Media Coordinator as of January 2025 for a one-year term. We are seeking a motivated and savvy individual to join our Internet Team. Experience is not required, as training can be provided. The Social Media Coordinator for the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy is dedicated to advancing the science, practice, and study of psychotherapy thr ..read more
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