The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke is a 30-minute teaching program that will dive into the teachings of the Catholic faith.
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
1d ago
What were the 4 things that James and the Council of Jerusalem asked Gentile converts to abstain from and why ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
2d ago
Paul calls out Peter for his hypocrisy, James brokers a compromise at the Council of Jerusalem ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
6d ago
Cale continues his discussion on James, the "Brother of the Lord". In this episode he looks at some of the most important men and their work in the early Church ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
1w ago
What made the doubting James come to believe in Jesus as Messiah, and eventually become the bishop of Jerusalem ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
1w ago
Cale continues to discuss James, the so-called "brother of the Lord", in his series, Bonding with James. In this Episode, Cale takes a detailed look at many of the men named James in the New Testament ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
1w ago
Cale begins this series about James the so-called, "brother of the Lord." James was one of the people who was convinced to become a believer in Jesus because of the Resurrection.  ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
1w ago
Does Matthew 24 have anything to do with a 'rapture'? Cale looks at myths about the theological idea called the rapture, which is popularly portrayed in the Left Behind books ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
1w ago
Will heaven have "pearly gates and streets of gold"? Sorry to disappoint you, but, no. It's a major biblical misinterpretation ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
2w ago
Cale looks at the most famous objections to Jesus’ Resurrection, including the “stolen body theory”, the “swoon theory”, and the “hallucinations” theory.  ..read more
The Faith Explained with Cale Clarke
2w ago
How did the Apostles turn from scaredy-cats to roaring lions? Why did the anti-Jesus Saul become the Apostle Paul? Only the Resurrection makes it all make sense. Plus: Was Adam really buried under Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified ..read more