Graine Mediation Blog
Enjoy Robin's Divorce Mediation Blog. Here she shares her knowledge & insights on topics related to divorce mediation, child support, alimony, child custody, co-parenting, property settlement, Virginia divorce laws, divorce finance & taxation, and marital coaching. Robin Graine is a divorce mediator with 17+ years of experience.
Graine Mediation Blog
8M ago
CDFA Defined
A CDFA is a financial professional who is skilled at analyzing financial data and providing expertise on the financial and tax issues of divorce within the context of the laws of your particular state.
Taking the Edge Off
Many divorcing people are in a highly anxious state because they don’t know where to start. If your mediator or lawyer cannot help you with this, you will want to consider hiring a CDFA.
Your CDFA will tell you what information you need to get the financial piece of your divorce organized and ready for settlement or trial.This brings a lot of comfort ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
8M ago
The divorce rate for middle aged and older men has increased significantly since the 1990s. Every third person who gets divorced in the US is older than 50. Even more astounding is that one out of every ten people getting a divorce is 65+.
As a divorce mediator, here are the reasons that I hear all the time, from my older male clients, as to why they feel compelled to divorce their wives and voluntarily step into the world of single silver-haired people.
Bored to Tears
Many marriages are tossed to the wind by a man who is bored to tears with his current life. He can see no way out of his mis ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
9M ago
Getting a divorce anywhere – but particularly in Northern Virginia --- will be one of the most important financial decisions of your life.
Not only will you need to split up all of your hard-earned assets and worrying debts, but you will also need to pay the equivalent of a king’s ransom to your attorneys to get you through the process – unless you skip litigation and go straight to mediation.
My mediation clients, who were litigating before they came to my firm, let me know that, even after $20,000 to $40,000in attorney fees – per spouse – they are still in the infancy stage of their divorce ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
9M ago
Ever wondered why so many middle-aged and older women put the kibosh on their marriages after so many years? Wouldn’t the financial and personal upheaval stop them from taking such a drastic step? The answer is “no”.
In the US, approximately 70% of all divorces are initiated by women.
As a divorce mediator, with over 20 years of experience, I find that the same reasons pop up over and over again when I get a call from a middle-aged or older woman:
(1) Menopause – Changes in Personality and Priorities
(2) Money – Nest Eggs become “Escape Eggs”
(3) Caregiving – Burn Out from Caring for O ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
10M ago
VIDEO: In this video Robin walks you through how long settling a divorce will take.
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The post How Long Does It Take to Settle Divorce appeared first on Graine Mediation ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
10M ago
VIDEO: In this video Robin tells you what expenses child support is intended to cover.
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The post What Does Child Support Actually Cover appeared first on Graine Mediation ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
10M ago
In this article, I will guide you on how to smoothly move from the decision to separate, through settlement, and ending with a judge signing your Divorce Decree. This article will go through each step, making it easy for you to handle this part of your life confidently and ensure that you get everything right.
If you have done some research on how to get divorced in Virginia, you are probably more confused now than you were when you started on your research. Virginia does not make it easy for non-divorce attorneys to understand how the process works. I am here to help!
This article is f ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
11M ago
If you are getting divorced, but don’t want all the emotional turmoil and high costs of a contested battle, the first thing you need to do is start working on your Settlement Agreement.
In this blog post, I'll dive into what Settlement Agreements are all about. I will explain how they work, why they matter, and how they differ from an actual divorce. You can also view my video.
What is a Settlement Agreement?
When you decide to get divorced, there are four key areas that need to be settled before you and your spouse can move on with your lives as unmarried people. You must reach agreement on ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
1y ago
Divorce is never an easy process. It makes you feel all sorts of emotions, it can cost a lot of money, its hard on children, and it can take up all of your time. That's why, every day, millions of people hit the internet searching for online resources for divorce tips to help simplify the process and make it more affordable.
With over 20 years of experience as a divorce mediator and former divorce attorney, I've witnessed countless cases where lack of knowledge led to unnecessary expenses, stress, and time-consuming legal proceedings.
So, whether you're just starting to think about divorce or ..read more
Graine Mediation Blog
1y ago
Robin helps you understand how retirement assets are divided in a divorce with a small business.
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The post How is Retirement Divided in Divorce – Small Business appeared first on Graine Mediation ..read more