WaiterPay Blog
Covers labor and employment law issues in the restaurant industry. Some sub-topics may include but are not limited to Overtime, Sick leave, Immigration, Service charge, Tip theft, Discrimination, Wage theft and Sexual harassment. Waiterpay promote awareness about the wage and hour laws in New York so that employees and restaurant owners alike have a greater understanding of their respective..
WaiterPay Blog
4M ago
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an employer is permitted to pay tipped employees $2.13 per hour in direct wages ..read more
WaiterPay Blog
5M ago
Love Meat Korean BBQ, a popular Korean restaurant in Stamford, Connecticut, has been sued by the Department of Labor for multiple FLSA violations ..read more
WaiterPay Blog
6M ago
Department of Labor investigators determined that the IHOP Restaurants owed approximately $367,890 and also assessed a civil money penalty of $199,577 ..read more
WaiterPay Blog
6M ago
The D.C Attorney General has announced that Swahili Village M Street, a Kenyan fine-dining restaurant widely known as “the Consulate,” must pay $526,972 ..read more
WaiterPay Blog
9M ago
Japanese restaurant in Georgia required to pay over $300,000 for wage theft violations in Georgia ..read more
WaiterPay Blog
10M ago
Tipping has become a controversial topic in America. UpgradedPoints recently posted an article diving into recent trends on tipping culture in the United States ..read more