Female Killers Podcast
True Crime podcast that focuses on female killers who have murdered out of love, greed, or just cause.
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about Hannah Ocuish, a 12-year-old Native American girl who is thought to be the first woman in the United States to be executed.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Tumblr: https://femmekillers.tumblr.com/
Email: shev@femalekillers.com  ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about Susan Ibrahim who alongside her husband was found responsible for the murder of 12 people. However, five years after their death, another man stepped forward to say that he had committed one of the murders.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Email: shev@femalekillers.com
Please support this podcast by rating it on your preferred ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about Celia, a slave who murdered her slave owner after being repeatedly sexually assaulted by him for five years and getting pregnant three times.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Email: shev@femalekillers.com
Please support this podcast by rating it on your preferred podcast listening app and sharing it with the true-crime lovers in your ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about the torture and murder of 12-year old Shanda Sharer by four teenaged girls, Melinda Loveless, Laurie Tackett, Hope Rippey, and Toni Lawrence. Jealousy was the reason that Melinda orchestrated the murder because she felt Shanda was stealing her girlfriend away from her. This will result in the horrific crime.
Please visit the web site: www.femalekillers.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femalekillerspodcast
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
“Jealousy.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, https://www.psycholo ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about death of 57-year-old Mikhail Khachaturyan who was killed by his three daughters -- Krestina, 19, Angelina, 18 and Maria, 17. They murdered their father after he had sexually, physically, and mentally abused them for years. The sisters are currently on trial and are getting a lot of support throughout the world.
Please visit the web site: www.femalekillers.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femalekillerspodcast
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
I’ve always been a huge fan of subscription boxes, so when I got my German ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about Lisa Montgomery who will be executed in December 2020. The first woman to be federally executed in 70 years.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Email: shev@femalekillers.com
Please support this podcast by rating it on your preferred podcast listening app and sharing it with the true-crime lovers in your life. A YouTube chan ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about Yuka Takaoka who sliced her boyfriend open and became a social media sensation.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Email: shev@femalekillers.com
Please support this podcast by rating it on your preferred podcast listening app and sharing it with the true-crime lovers in your life. A YouTube channel was launched so check out the weekly ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about the Anna Zwanziger, a German serial killer who poisoned as a housekeeper.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Email: shev@femalekillers.com
Please support this podcast by rating it on your preferred podcast listening app and sharing it with the true-crime lovers in your life. A YouTube channel was launched so check out the weekly ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about the nanny Yoselyn Ortega who murdered two of the three children she was supposed to be taking care of.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Email: shev@femalekillers.com
Please support this podcast by rating it on your preferred podcast listening app and sharing it with the true-crime lovers in your life. A YouTube channel was laun ..read more
Female Killers Podcast
3y ago
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about Amanda Taylor who murdered her father-in-law Charles Taylor by stabbing him 29 times.
You can find the entire transcript on https://femalekillers.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/femmekillers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/femmekillers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/femmekillers
Snapchat: @femmekillers
TikTok: @femmekillers
Email: shev@femalekillers.com
Please support this podcast by rating it on your preferred podcast listening app and sharing it with the true-crime lovers in your life. A YouTube channel was launched so check out ..read more