Our Rich Journey Blog
We're Amon & Christina. We're former federal government employees that focused on saving, making, and investing money so that we could grow enough wealth in our investments to never have to work again. So, if you're interested in learning how to save, make and invest money on the road to financial independence and retiring early - this site is for you!
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
As you probably know, Amon and I have long been advocates of the side hustle. The best way to work towards financial independence goals is to not only save (though saving is crucial), but also to find ways to increase your income. Side hustles are the perfect way to do this because literally everyone can find at least one thing that they’re skilled at . . . even if they don’t necessarily think so.
So, if you’re one of those people that don’t think you’re skilled enough to create a side hustle, or if you’re one of those people who simply can’t think of an income-producing side hustle - this art ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
If you’ve been following Our Rich Journey, you know that Amon and I have achieved our decade-long goal of becoming financially independent and retiring early. But, we didn’t just stumble into this achievement. No, to get where we are today, we had to take real, actionable steps. Interested in pursuing financial independence . . . and actually reaching it? Here are nine things that we did . . . and that you should do, too: 1. Establish the Proper Mindset Enroll in Our Course
When you first come up with your FIRE number, you may become overwhelmed and discouraged by just how large of a number i ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
Investment News Channels have become really popular over the last few years. As people start to get more and more interested in personal finance, the stock market, and retail investing, the demand for easily accessible content on these topics seems to be at an all-time high.
The problem, though, is that not all channels or topics are the same in terms of the actual value you can get from them. Investing News Channels, and shows in particular, are so unreliable that they honestly are more entertainment than news!
Enroll in Our Course
To clarify, when I refer to “Investing News Channels,” I’m t ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
On our YouTube channel, we’ve covered countless topics around financial independence and early retirement. Amon and I spent eight years on the path to financial independence, and once we achieved our overall goal, we were able to quit our government jobs and retire at just 39 years old.
But it was the next part of our journey that piqued a lot of interest - because we chose to leave the United States and retire in Portugal with our children. Many people want to know why we chose Portugal. So today, I’m going to answer that question as thoroughly as possible! So you can understand: 1) how life ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
Most people don’t know it, but Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) can play a big part in helping people achieve F.I.R.E if used wisely. Our HSA has been massively helpful for Amon and me and definitely contributed to our ability to retire early.
That’s why I’m going to discuss our account with you, so you can see how we chose to invest in our HSA and how you might be able to also invest in an HSA on your journey to financial independence.
What is an HSA? Enroll in Our Course
The truth is that the majority of people only see the HSA as exactly what it’s called - a Health Savings Account. But in th ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
Today I want to talk about love and money - namely, how to properly pursue financial independence as a couple! Because whether you like it or not, your partner's money habits will affect your journey to financial independence.
This is why I want to share something more personal than usual. I want to share everything that Amon and I have learned as a couple with over fifteen years of marriage and making financial decisions as a couple. I’ve condensed those life (and love) lessons into ten important questions every couple should ask each other on their journey to financial independence. But firs ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
As members of the FIRE movement, achieving financial independence and being able to retire early were our main goals. But to actually achieve financial independence, it was crucial that we had the proper retirement accounts in place.
Some of you may not know what you should and shouldn’t do to get the most out of your retirement accounts. It’s not always entirely straightforward. But that’s what I’m here for! Here are my tips on eight things you should NOT do when investing in your retirement account.
1. Not Maxing Out Retirement Accounts Enroll in Our Course
I know this is a double negative ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
If you’ve been following our journey, you know that Amon and I like to get creative when it comes to making money. We’ve adopted quirky little side hustles (that have made lots of money on the side) and we’ve talked a lot about those side hustles on our blog and on our YouTube channel. Creative side hustles are fun.
But, we also like to get creative when it comes to savings! Just like with making more money, the more money you can save - the more money you can invest on your journey to financial independence.
So, with that in mind, I’m going to focus this blog post on saving money. Here are e ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
Amon and I reached financial independence, quit our jobs, and retired at the ages of 39 and 41. It certainly wasn’t an overnight process. It took hard work, creative thinking, and the right mindset. It also involved establishing a key set of habits that we incorporated into our everyday lives.
The secret to becoming a millionaire isn’t that you have to work a 9-5, six figure job. The secret to becoming a millionaire is that you’ve got to act like a millionaire. Want to know what I mean? Well, here are some millionaire habits that we adopted on our FIRE journey:
1. Finding A Way To YES E ..read more
Our Rich Journey Blog
3y ago
You Only Live Once (YOLO) is a saying that has been floating around for years now. It means living life to the fullest, and because of this, the saying is taken to mean that you should go out and have a great time no matter what. Why not? You only live once, right?
Well, Amon and I have always had a little problem with YOLO. For us, the whole concept of YOLO seems backwards - it results in short-term decisions that have long-term consequences. So, I’m going to try and turn YOLO on its head . . . and I’ll focus on YOLO and financial decisions.
For a lot of people, YOLO involves making immediate ..read more