Can Cubs
Our blog brings you the best information relating to education, health, technology, news and much more! Whether you're a parent or an educator you're bound to find something useful here.
Can Cubs
3y ago
About Erasmus + Program
Erasmus isn’t just a program that offers the freedom to study abroad, lately, the alternatives are more extensive. This decisive partnership specifically for Adult Education is among such proposed activities which empower long haul coordinated effort with affiliations and establishments to alter the instruction framework and advance non-formal training in Europe.
TeachersWay a Strategic Partnership
2020 has been an extraordinary year. Everything has been transformed, including the education system. But the transformation in the education system was begun in Decem more
Can Cubs
3y ago
With cryptocurrency related news taking up more and more of our newsfeeds and everyday discussions, many of us are finally starting to realise the opportunities that cryptocurrency presents itself. Yet, many of you still haven’t made anything from it yet! Don’t worry, you haven’t missed the boat yet! Keep reading…
Opportunities Galore
There are many platforms out there which can provide you with a nice amount of passive income, with very little risk. The difficulty lies, in you deciding to trust the particular entity or not, then making the jump to invest in it. One such platform which I more
Can Cubs
3y ago
I’ve always been interested in geology. When I was a child, I had a rock and gem collection, which I actively grew when ever I could. I accumulated a vast collection, which came from across the world. I tagged each and every stone. I read books and watched films about geology and even considered becoming a geologist after spending time in Australia. But in the last few years, I’ve discovered the truth of this world, so It’s a good job that I didn’t! Today’s video takes another look into natural science. You certainly won’t come across this on the likes of National Geographic.
What more
Can Cubs
3y ago
Gone are the days when families would huddle around their TV’s to catch up on the latest injections of ‘news’. In fact, many families don’t even own a TV nowadays (my own included). Not having a TV in the home, limits the amount of pro-gramm-ing you and your family receive. Using the internet for news – real news, means that you have full control of the information you receive, providing you use ‘alternative’ media platforms, like Telegram and still wear your critical thinking cap! There’s a reason that ratings and views are diminishing at an ever increasing rate on the mainstream channels!
Ma more
Can Cubs
3y ago
And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:2-6
In today’s video series ‘What An Earth Happened’, we delve into some extrem more
Can Cubs
3y ago
I’ve been inspired to write this post today, because I’ve recently encountered a few of my adult students who have brought up this topic in some of our online lessons. I realised that it’s a topic trending, and therefore affecting a greater number of people. So, let’s shed some light on it!
Is It Becoming More Wide Spread?
They have conferred to me, that their parents have Alzheimer’s and that it is putting a burden on their own lives. To be clear to those who don’t know about Alzheimer’s, here is the definition:
“Alzheimer’s disease (AD), also referred to simply as Alzheimer’s, is a neu more
Can Cubs
3y ago
Those of you who read the article ‘Making More Money For Your Family‘ will remember that I recommended buying Quant (when it was around 65 euros per coin). Those who did that are already laughing all the way to the bank! Currently it is at around 110 euros per coin. However, it’s certainly not too late to jump on board the bandwagon! There’s still plenty of room!
Quant has huge potential, but it’s still not appearing much in the mainstream as of yet. When it does, you can be sure you may have already missed your opportunity to make some serious gains.
A Sleeping Dragon
Quant is be more
Can Cubs
3y ago
Children hold the purity of the human spirit. Those of you who have children will know this. The problem is, as time goes by children become less pure. Why is this the case? Because, we ‘educate’ them…
Surely though, education must be a good thing you say! Perhaps in principle, yes, however much of the ‘education’ the child receives moves them farther from God and closer into the alignment of this artificially created system which, many of us reside in and spend the entirety of our lives. It takes the education system to turn thoughtful, cerebral children into worker drones. And parents often more
Can Cubs
3y ago
“The World’s a Stage”
William Shakespeare.
Perhaps this quote was never been taken literally, but as you are continuing watching this video series, you’ll perhaps realise that Shakespeare was being forthright with you.
It isn’t comforting to know, that much of the knowledge that you possessed actually is just an illusion. It has taken you away from the truth of this world and led you into a life of meaningless distractions and pursuits. That being said, it doesn’t mean that you haven’t had a happy existence thus far, after all, ‘ignorance is bliss’, right? I say a resounding ‘No!’
Lear more
Can Cubs
3y ago
The Mainstream Media & Publishers
Finding a reputable children’s book publisher or children’s channel can be extremely challenging these days, for consciously minded parents that is. We all want to develop our children’s literacy skills and knowledge base as efficiently as possible, whilst steering clear of the constant brainwashing so often found in these sectors! Whether it be Alphabet, Disney, Comcast, 21st Century Fox, BBC, Viacom, Scholastic, Penguin Random House or HarperCollins, ultimately they all share common goals and an overriding agenda. An agenda which isn’t looking out for t more