Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
Maya is a dietitian and a vegan nutrition coach. Her passion for a plant-based lifestyle started at a young age. She stopped eating meat immediately and gradually removed animal products from her life. Get expert guidance, compassionate advice, and evidence-based recommendations for all things vegan pregnancy.
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
2y ago
written by Clarissa Hauber, edited by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
Last week during our weekly group coaching call inside the Collective, one of my clients, currently in her second trimester expecting twins, was craving an alcohol-free spiced apple cider.
She was about to purchase it before flipping over the package and discovering "orange oil," listed as an ingredient. She paused, unsure if "orange oil" was safe during pregnancy.
After digging into the FDA and related research, it appears that orange oil, when listed as an ingredient on a product intended for consumption, is "generally recognized as ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
2y ago
written by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
Vegan diets are becoming increasingly common, and there is a reason why; they are proven to improve body health. A well-planned and balanced vegan diet can be safe and healthy for pregnancy.
A healthy vegan pregnancy used to be thought of as unachievable and unhealthy. But they’re becoming more popular as more people switch to eating less meat and more plant-based proteins. When you’re meeting your nutrient needs on a vegan diet, you may enhance your body’s fertility and support early fetal development.
You and I both know that vegan nutrition plans ha ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
2y ago
written by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
Full disclosure: I used to hate vegetables. Not "dislike" but actively avoid. I only started eating veggies - cucumber and raw carrots, to be exact - with ketchup (I know!) when I was in middle school. My diet growing up consisted of cereal, eggs, and peanut butter sandwiches.
Today, as a vegan dietitian, it's ironic that I now heavily rely on vegetables to support my nutrient needs. And for many of my clients, who are used to eating lots of veggies too, the thought of their favorite veg during pregnancy can make them run the other way.
If you're struggling with ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
2y ago
written by Clarissa Hauber, edited by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
As some of you know, I spent a lot of time traveling this summer. And while I feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to work from anywhere, getting to and from different destinations was sometimes stressful.
It took 15+ hours to get from Des Moines to Miami a few weeks ago, for example! (This was partially my fault for not paying attention to our layover time in Charlotte).
Delayed flights, missed connections, and a broken wheel on my beloved carry-on were among the few stressors. For those who are pregnant or planning for p ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
2y ago
written by Clarissa Hauber, edited by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
Growing up, my mom, a vegetarian since the 70s, patiently taught my sister and me simple cooking basics. How to blend wet and dry ingredients, when to use a mixer vs. a food processer, and the best way to make bread. She showed us the magic you could create in the kitchen. And even though I was an extremely picky eater and didn't particularly care to cook, I'm thankful she showed us the basics and how to use essential kitchen tools.
Today, with new kitchen gadgets popping up all the time, it can be overwhelming to figure out what tools ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
2y ago
written by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
This article was originally written for and appears on Momototos.com
As a vegan mom-to-be, your needs for pregnancy are unique. You may be wondering what you need to eat to support your body and developing baby. You’re not alone!
What you eat and drink matters. If you’re not exactly sure where to start, here are my top five favorite plant-based, nutrient-packed foods to recommend for all vegan mamas.
Soy milk
Perfect for your favorite morning cup of coffee and packed with nutrients, soy milk is the ideal addition to your daily routine. One cup of soy milk gives ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
2y ago
written by Clarissa Hauber, edited by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
As a vegan mom-to-be, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with the number of nutritional guidelines during pregnancy.
So. Much. Info. ?
And it can become even more stressful if you find that doctors are questioning whether, as a vegan, you’ll be able to meet your protein needs to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
The truth is that vegan mamas can meet their protein requirements just as easily as non-vegans!
While most people attribute high protein foods to meat and poultry, you can find plenty of protein in many different plants and seeds. Below is ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
3y ago
written by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
I want to start by sharing a quick client story with you. My client's in-laws were initially against the idea of her avoiding animal products during pregnancy.
Her mother-in-law was convinced she wouldn't be able to meet her nutrient needs. This friction was stressful for my client and her family.
We developed talking points, allowing my client to confidently navigate future conversations with her MIL.
In an effort to minimize stressors, here are three things to stop caring about as a vegan mom-to-be. (Sometimes easier said than done, I know!)
1. Other people’s ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
3y ago
written by Clarissa Hauber, edited by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
Why do they call it “morning sickness” if it doesn’t just happen in the morning?
I’m not sure but what I can tell you is that approximately 70% of mamas-to-be will experience nausea, otherwise known as “morning sickness,” during pregnancy.
While there isn’t a single underlying cause, morning sickness may be caused by several factors including low blood sugar and the presence of pregnancy hormones.
Not eating for a while and exposure to certain flavors or aromas can make your symptoms even worse. Symptoms can range from vague tummy disc ..read more
Vegan Prenatal Nutrition Blog
3y ago
written by Clarissa Hauber, edited by Maya Bach, MPH, RDN
As a vegan mom-to-be, there's no doubt that your doctor or dietitian has talked to you about the importance of calcium intake during pregnancy.
And you may have heard that you need dairy to get enough calcium to support your baby's growth. The myth "you need dairy to get enough calcium for pregnancy" is far from the truth!
While it's one of the many vital micronutrients for pregnancy, you don't need animal-based cheese, milk, or yogurt to get enough calcium.
Continue reading to discover the best dairy-free products to support a healthy ..read more