All is Fair in Love and IP Rights 
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Meg Davies
8h ago
Love, innovation, and creativity have always gone hand in hand. From patented heart-shaped jewellery to chocolate brands protected with trade marks, romance has long inspired inventors and creators across the UK. Whilst you are busy planning the perfect gift, intellectual property (IP) is quietly playing cupid behind the scenes. more
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Farewell to Ipsum 
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Emma Sharman
2M ago
After thirteen years we’re preparing to say goodbye to Ipsum, our online patent search tool. Emma Sharman, Senior Transformation Product Manager, reflects back on the role Ipsum has played... and explains what’s next.  As 2024 draws to a close it’s more
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IP and colour: protecting a spectrum of creativity 
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Christina Watts
3M ago
Colorifix’s Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Jim Ajioka and Marketing Manager Nora Eslander told us about about their business and the part their IP strategy plays in their sustainability journey. more
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Dame Carol Robinson – pioneering mass spectrometry in biomedical research
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Nathan Llewellyn
4M ago
British chemist, Professor Dame Carol Robinson (DBE FRS FMedSci) has received the honour of being the first British person to be presented with the European Patent Office (EPO) Lifetime Achievement Award at the European Inventor Awards in Malta more
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VIKA, the next chapter in publishing
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by nathanllewellyn
5M ago
We talked to graphic designer, Victoria Forrest, founder of educational book creators VIKA Books about how and why she protected her IP more
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Around the world with our IP Attaché network
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Kezia Mitchinson
7M ago
Recently we have introduced you to the different members of the IPO’s Intellectual Property Attaché Network. These IP experts help UK businesses to trade in international markets. Our team also works with other governments and international organisations to support UK objectives overseas. more
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First patent filing in IPO’s new digital service
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Jenny Manders
7M ago
The first real life patent filing has been made using our new patent application service. The Transformation team told us how it went and how a limited number of customers can gain access to the patent filing pilot programme. Will you be on board more
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Sustainable innovation that makes you go “Ooho”
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by christinawatts
10M ago
Sustainable packaging business, Notpla, has developed an all-natural packaging solution made from seaweed. We spoke to co-founder, Pierre Paslier, about how IP plays a vital role in the success of his company more
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Autonomous vehicles and IP: how one UK business is driving change
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Christina Watts
1y ago
UK-based business, Oxa was the first company in the UK to test self-driving cars on public roads as part of Project Endeavour, an Innovate UK-funded trial. We caught up with Oxa’s Head of Licencing and IP Management Alex Tame to find out how owning IP has played a role in the research, production and scaling of their innovative AV technology. more
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Mickey’s adventure into the public domain 
Intellectual Property Office Blog
by Christina Watts
1y ago
This year Disney is celebrating its 100th anniversary but did you know that the original version of one of Disney’s most iconic and popular characters, Mickey Mouse, has recently been released from its copyright worldwide? more
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