Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
The Universal Life Church is one of the loudest advocates for freedom & equality today. Join our ongoing discussion of hot topics including Political & Religious Controversy, Pagan & Wiccan, LGBTQ & Human Rights, and Celebrity Ministers.
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
9M ago
A prominent Catholic group has defrocked their new AI priest, Father Justin, after he went rogue and started giving bizarre advice, including telling one person they could baptize their baby in Gatorade ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
9M ago
Is energy healing and crystals Satanic witchcraft? Crystal Coven Mystic Cottage in Kentucky is being accused of witchcraft and Satanism following that business being promoted by the local tourism board ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
9M ago
Members of the United Methodist Church General Conference just voted to end a 40-year ban on gay clergy, putting an end to a debate that threatened to tear the church apart in recent years ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
9M ago
Mother's Day is coming up, and we're taking a look at the life of the most famous mother of all time: the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. While we know a little of her life, what happened to Mary after her son's death ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
9M ago
Secular activists are fuming after a walkthrough of Minnesota's new Itasca County jail revealed pro-Christian quotes painted on walls, as well as a two-story tall display of the Ten Commandments ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
9M ago
Discourse is swirling over asking women a simple question: If they were in the woods, would they rather encounter a man or a bear? The debate rages on, but the Bible actually weighed in on this issue 2,000 years ago ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
10M ago
Young Mormons are revolting against the underwear they are required to wear, with many only wearing them to Temple on Sunday. The LDS Church is firing back, reminding members wearing the garment is not a choice ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
10M ago
Tennessee just made the Aitken Bible - the first Bible printed on American soil - one of the official state books of Tennessee, and secular activists are saying it's a blatant violation of separation of church and state ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
10M ago
Gender transition and gender identity are some of the biggest issues being discussed today. Are the world's major faiths accepting of transgender people, or are they hostile to the idea of gender transition ..read more
Universal Life Church Monastery Blog
10M ago
Have you heard of Walpurgisnacht, the spooky, pagan European holiday that also doubles as a celebration of a Catholic saint who Christianized Germany? Walpurgisnacht is coming up soon, and we've got your primer ..read more