Spiritual Dhyana
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Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
I have seen many questions being asked in Quora about the knowledge in Rigveda. After collecting all the relevant information, I summarized it into a few points for easy understanding.
"Rigveda (ऋग्वेद Ṛgveda) refers to a Samhita (collection of hymns) consisting of 1,028 hymns and 10,600 verses, and is one of the four canonical holy texts of Hinduism known as the Vedas (वेद Ved)."
"Rigveda is considered as one of the oldest sacred texts of humanity."
The Rigveda was composed in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent, most likely between c. 1500–1200 BCE (possible range 1700–1100 ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
"विनाशकुण्ठ साधत् प्रभु, ग्रहणात् पार्जनी वा"
Devotion can destroy great sins, even if committed in the past!!
One of the most important questions that most of the people who consider themselves as spiritual seekers ask are that how to get rid of sins and how to attain Moksha. There is no doubt that we all want to attain Moksha and we want to free ourselves from the cycle of birth and death.
In this world, we all have some sins which we have committed intentionally or unintentionally. We commit sins in our day-to-day activities, we commit sins in o ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
Self-inquiry is not a new word for you. But, do you know what it means? I'll be very straight with you. Most of us are aware of the importance of self-inquiry but, but are unable to practice it. We've read that 'God' is the only truth. That He/She is present in all beings. That our true nature is of pure consciousness. And that's it's possible to experience oneself as the ever-free 'I'.
Self-inquiry is a method for practicing Jnana Yoga that was made popular by Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj. Although you can read hundreds of articles about their teachings and insights about the pro ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
"Not any of religion teaches you to take revenge with anyone"
"When someone does something wrong to you, you should not take revenge to them because everyone gets the fruit of karma, And you think you take revenge and nothing gonna happened to you no you are wrong you have to face the law of Karma." According to Shastra Purana:
When a wrong is done to us by others we should not kill them or harm them physically. We should keep quiet and just keep saying that we do not accept the wrong. Others may try to harm us further. We should reply by saying, "I do not need anything from you, leave me al ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
Lord Krishna in Gita
Human life in the Kali Yuga is full of unprincipled, immoral, and anti-scientific behavior. Virtue and righteousness are rare. People are egotistic, materialistic, and self-centered.
It is a disturbing time when people are not interested in thinking over their decisions and actions; the lack of peace and order on this earth is apparent.
If we carefully observe life around us, it is easy to see how its negative effects are living in so many people. Our world and the news on it are full of conflicts between people and countries. Hatred, greed, jealousy, and other bad emotio ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
The word Upanishad is applied to those texts of the Vedas which form the basis of the various schools of philosophy. The original word is Upa-ni-shad: upa means near, nishta steadfastness, shad attainment. The Upanishads represent the culmination of the Vedas. They are thus called the “end” (anta) or final goal (antya), which leads to the Highest Truth.
The Upanishads enunciate, in set terms, the highest metaphysical truth that human understanding can grasp and at the same time indicate practically, utilizing their oft-repeated injunctions that man has to rise above all distinctions and limi ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
People are jealous of other people due to the fear that the other person may have something that they have been deprived of, or maybe, they don’t even know what it is that they need.
With your friend and the person, you are jealous of neither has anything to do with you. So it's time you let go of such a feeling. If you are feeling jealous of the richness of your friend, think about how rich your inner world is. Your soul is worth so much that if you do not have the power to get wealth on materialistic terms then no one can make you feel inferior.
Jealousy is one of the most common human emot ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
The law of Karma applies to all living beings as it does to humans, but animals are not able to create new karma in this lifetime, because they only pay off their debts from past karma.
At the time of death, all our sufferings terminate. We start living a full life with full happiness, as there is no more karma to pay for. So we should not think of an Animal’s death. It might be the end of his sufferings, and he is going to live a life of happiness as per his karmas.
Karm Yoni means the animals and the humans who are performing karma are in the karm yoni. They are reaping the reactions of kar ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be successful in a highly competitive, materialistic, and socially competitive world?
Do you want to be rich one day? Will that make you happy and content with yourself?
How about having spiritual and materialistic success at the same time?
There are many ways to define success. It is however an important aspect of life that defines our character, and perhaps what we all aim for. What makes accomplishments in life satisfying are the thoughts behind them.
If you are not sure which path to take to achieve materialistic success, spiritual success ..read more
Spiritual Dhyana
3y ago
I have the same question as you do and I also try to find an answer for this question and here I present you the reason from the holy bible. "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." Psalm 51:17 We know that we are sinners and it is only possible for us to be forgiven if we seek forgiveness. But seeking forgiveness is not enough, we should do that which is pleasing to God. How can we please him? By sacrificing our self for doing good to others will also do good to ourselves.
" In my own experience, I can tell you that by helping o ..read more