Articles cover a full year of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade math, pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, or algebra 2 lesson plans, as well as trigonometry and pre-calculus lesson plans. MathTeacherCoach provides math teachers with the resources they need to be successful in the classroom.
3w ago
We’re sure you have some questions about MathTeacherCoach before joining our community to enjoy hours of new-found free time! Browse through frequently asked questions below, and if we’ve not covered your question, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to advise! Common Questions About MathTeacherCoach What subscriptions are available on MathTeacherCoach? We offer […]
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1M ago
Whether inside or outside the house, we travel different distances. We commute, we travel, we drive. We go to all sorts of places through straight paths or zigzags, or around something. The simplest act we do to go somewhere is to walk. Walking is something common that almost all of us can and know how […]
The post Get Outside! Measuring Side Lengths to Determine the Perimeter of Polygons appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
1M ago
A ruler is a handy measuring device for getting length measurements either in the metric system or customary system. I am pretty sure that if you ask your students the contents of their pencil case or their school kit, a ruler is a necessity together with the pens, pencils, erasers, and scissors. You’d think that […]
The post Creating a Ruler with 1 Inch, ½ Inch, and ¼ Inch Intervals appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
1M ago
When teaching fractions, students may still be confused in understanding the size of fractions. A child may be intimidated that fractions are composed of different numbers and symbols to represent one value, when until now, numbers have been whole. But we’ve got a great way for placing fractions on a number line by using something […]
The post Placing Fractions on a Number Line using Pizza Slices appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
1y ago
As students progress through their academic journey, they will eventually be faced with standardized tests. These tests play a crucial role in determining a student’s academic progress and potential future opportunities. One subject that is heavily emphasized in standardized tests is math. In this article, we will explore some tips and strategies for 7th-grade students […]
The post Preparing for Standardized Math Tests appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
1y ago
Mathematics is a subject that requires problem-solving skills to excel. In 7th grade, students begin to encounter more complex math concepts, and the ability to analyze and solve problems becomes increasingly important. Building problem-solving skills for math not only helps students to master math concepts but also prepares them for success in higher-level math courses […]
The post Building Problem-solving Skills for 7th-Grade Math appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
2y ago
When dealing with areas, there are different solutions to solve for the unknown. Area mainly deals with the space covered surrounded by the perimeter. Everything has an area: the bed you sleep in, the mirror you look at, the desk you write on, and even the screen you use for your phones and gadgets. In […]
The post Tiling as a Strategy to Get Area appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
2y ago
We all know that multiplication can be learned in various ways whether it be by solving it visually through array models or equal groups, or by simply using repeated addition. Teaching math to our students with different strategies has endless permutations. Let us truly remember that teaching math to our students should always be engaging […]
The post Interacting through Commutative and Distributive appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
3y ago
We encounter liquids all the time. To introduce liquid volume to your students, you may start by asking them what usual ways they encounter liquids. Some may answer that liquid is found in the oceans and seas. Yes! Some may even answer that liquid is experienced when you take a shower or swim in a […]
The post Get Wet While Measuring Liquid Volume! appeared first on MathTeacherCoach more
3y ago
You might be wondering how you can teach your students to master multiplying single-digit numbers. Suppose you were asked by your student what multiplication is; you can explain that it is one of the four basic mathematical operations wherein you repeatedly combine the same values until you reach the final repetition. However, as simple as […]
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