Humans Outside
They say spending time in nature can change your life. But in a world packed with indoor life pressures, how can you make getting outside just a part of who you are? Welcome to Humans Outside, where we explore a wellness-rich life in the great outdoors from our perch in Alaska while hearing from fascinating outdoor-minded guests.
Humans Outside
9M ago
Did you know I’m a journalist? I mean, you probably do because I mention it in the intro of many episodes of Humans Outside. But you probably didn’t know I’m launching a local nonprofit newspaper.
It’s an all-consuming project, and going outside has been key to helping me get it off the ground.
Going outside daily has also been key to helping me understand how to manage my time, how to prioritize what’s important to me, how to make all of it happen in one day.
But it’s also taught me that the world is full of natural beginnings and endings as a part of the seasons.
Listen now.
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Humans Outside
9M ago
Do you have one person whose work you’ve looked to for inspiration? For me, that’s Gretchen Rubin, author of the Happiness Project, and it’s why I was so excited to get her on Humans Outside for a sit-down.
It was such a fun conversation that I want to make sure you get to hear it in this best of humans outside episode. I hope you love this interesting and inspirational conversation with Gretchen Rubin.
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Humans Outside
9M ago
What happens if you say "yes" to just one adventure or step out of your comfort zone? Maybe you'll create a single unforgettable experience. Or maybe that "yes" will lead you down a path where you encounter more interesting (and maybe a little scary) ideas and opportunities.
That's what today's guest, author and physician Mimi Zieman, found when she stepped out of her comfort zone in New York City to try something new. From the streets of the city to the base camp of Mt. Everest, Mimi discovered how saying yes to ideas and taking up space in the world can lead to a lifetime of growth.
In this ..read more
Humans Outside
9M ago
There are a lot of reasons to spend time in nature, but as I reflect back on all of the things I’ve learned by heading outside every day for more than 2,500 days in a row, some takeaways stick out more than others.
The biggest thing I’ve learned by spending time outside is also both my favorite lesson and the thing I least expected.
What is it? Listen now!
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Some of the good stuff:
[00:45] The start of my outdoor challenge
[01:39] There were some benefits I expected
[02:21] And then there is one big b ..read more
Humans Outside
9M ago
There’s something both comforting and amazing about the way nature takes the reigns no matter what happens. During a recent walk in the woods, I saw startling new growth on top of recent harm, and it was just the reminder I needed about nature’s power to reclaim itself and me.
Maybe it’s a reminder you need, too.
Listen now!
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Some of the good stuff:
[00:23] Here’s what I did outside this week
[00:35] Nature just out there healing its own self
[01:37] Here’s where I f ..read more
Humans Outside
10M ago
No matter how you define “hard,” heading outside offers plenty of chances to tackle it. Many people who choose to tackle hard stuff outside are pushed to do so to honor some kind of “why.”
For some of us, that “why” is health or to push our own personal boundaries. For others, the “why” is on behalf of someone else.
Ultrarunner Emily Halnon’s “why” has everything to do with her mom, who died from an aggressive form of cancer in early 2020. To honor her she headed out to tackle a major challenge running on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). It’s a story she’s now shared in her new book “To The Gorg ..read more
Humans Outside
10M ago
There’s something special about the way spring sounds in Alaska.
Maybe it’s how dramatic the experience is as compared to the sounds of winter. Maybe it’s that they’re happy sounds that I can hear through my windows. Maybe it’s that the weather is so much nicer than it had been, that I’m outside more to hear sounds at all.
Whatever the reason, I love the outdoor symphony. Here’s what I’ve been noticing.
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Some of the good stuff:
[00:35] I’m feeling really ..read more
Humans Outside
10M ago
I do it to myself and over and over again. That feeling of overwhelm sneaks right in, and it’s entirely because of my own poor choices.
(You would think I’d learn my lesson, but I have not.)
So when the going gets crowed, what do I do? I think you’re probably going to guess. But the wild thing is just how much adding more of it to my schedule helps.
Listen now.
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Some of the good stuff:
[00:23] Yeah, OK I do this to myself
[01:17] We know the signs -- truly
[01:32] Ma ..read more
Humans Outside
10M ago
Florence Williams has learned a thing or two about making the most of what you have right outside your door and the tools you already possess to do so. Since Florence, author of “The Nature Fix,” literally wrote the book on how going outside creates positive impacts on our mental health and wellbeing, that’s really saying something.
I learned about Florence before we even started going outside every day. It was her book, published shortly before we knew we were looking for it, that gave us the 20 minute daily goal. We are so honored that she gave some of her time to share her latest lessons in ..read more
Humans Outside
10M ago
When was the last time you thought about the way learning to notice and navigate changing seasons affects how you view your indoor life?
One of the best things about spending a lot of time outdoors is how it prompts you to pause and see how the world is shifting day by day. Are you ready for it? Are you taking it as it comes?
No matter how you approach the shift in seasons, one thing is certain: getting used to changes outdoors can teach you a thing or two about changes indoors.
Getting okay with growth
Noticing when it's coming
Embracing what it brings
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