No is a Gift, Not a Monster
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
1w ago
“NO” is a monster that frightens many of us. It’s so intimidating that we’ll forfeit the chance of getting something awesome because the mere chance of hearing “No” keeps us from even asking. Granted, no one likes to be turned down for a job, a date, or entry to a school we hoped to attend more
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Testing WP Rocket
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
2w ago
Testing the schedule after deactivating Wp Rocket more
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The Prepper
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
2w ago
When my wife told me she was pregnant with our first child, my heart filled with joy. Two seconds later, panic arrived at the party. All I could think about was how profoundly our lives were about to change and I didn’t have the slightest idea of how to prepare. I immediately began searching Amazon more
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My Dumb Resumé
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
3w ago
The whole reason Kim and I started our own business was so that we would never have to write resumés. Ok, maybe not the whole reason. But it’s at least 79 percent. Kim recently took one for the team when she was required to write our resumés for an organization that wanted to hire us more
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One Piece at a Time
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
1M ago
The time between Christmas and the New Year is Puzzle Season in our household. (Except for my wife, who is not the least bit interested in them, but is eager to take advantage of the fact that we are all distracted.) Me and the kids usually enjoy the 1000-piece varieties but hate the unnecessarily hard more
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Today or Never
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
1M ago
“Today or never, that’s my motto.” Now that’s a good motto. Thanks for that, Mary Poppins. Looking back at the last year, I lived a lot of it scared. The after-effects of the storm that ripped through our property two years earlier lingered longer than I expected. The debt was a leviathan, and we slayed more
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Do You See What I See?
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
2M ago
Kim and I may have named it in 2005, but it’s been around for centuries. Dickens wrote it into the essence of Ebenezer Scrooge. It was personified in the Grinch by Dr. Seuss. And Buddy rescued his birth father Walter Hobbs from it in the holiday movie Elf. I’m referring, of course, to Adultitis. Do you more
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Do You Ever Feel Invisible?
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
2M ago
The sun has disappeared. Stolen, perhaps. Or maybe it’s sleeping, on vacation, or vanished into thin air. Not really, of course, because its morning light enables me to clearly see everything in my backyard. And yet, I cannot see the sun, the source of the light. I can’t even tell where it might be, because more
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A Deluge of Awesome
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
2M ago
Something awesome happened to you yesterday. Did you notice it? Perhaps something epic immediately comes to mind, causing you to think, “Omigosh, how did he know?!” More likely, it was something a little less epic, but no less awesome. But it may have been overshadowed by an emergency that popped up. Or you might have more
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Good Tidings or Dark Intentions?
Escape Adulthood
by Jason
2M ago
Quick! You’re on the beach with a friend and you spot something approaching on the horizon. To your amazement, you make out an armada of giant rubber ducks coming to shore. What is your reaction? Are you excited? Overjoyed? Concerned? Skeptical? Worried? Afraid? Are they visitors or invaders? Do they bring good tidings or dark more
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