Cascade Method Blog
Fun tools, tips, and tricks to teaching piano for kids. The Cascade Method is all about empowering piano teachers and inspiring students of all ages to discover the joy of learning to play the piano. For creative piano teachers who want the best for their students, the Cascade Method Training Program provides fun, engaging resources and unique modern methods inside a self-paced online course!
Cascade Method Blog
5M ago
It’s September!! Which means most of us piano teachers are back in the swing of things, teaching out hearts out, and looking ahead at pumpkin season! While it doesn’t quite feel like fall yet where I live, I am definitely in a fall state of mind. While I try to do the majority of my […]
The post Top 10 Favorite Printable Halloween Piano Games appeared first on Cascade Method ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
6M ago
I’ll be honest teachers, rhythm was NOT my forte growing up! I remember always asking my teacher to play my pieces before I had to figure them out, and secretly did my best to remember how the rhythm went! ? And trust me, this went out for years! I even struggled with the rhythm in the […]
The post Top 10 Rhythm Resources For Music Lessons – Part 2 appeared first on Cascade Method ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
I’ll be honest teachers, rhythm was NOT my forte growing up! I remember always asking my teacher to play my pieces before I had to figure them out, and secretly did my best to remember how the rhythm went!
And trust me, this went out for years! I even struggled with the rhythm in the first measure of Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata! My teacher kept telling me to count it out, but I just didn’t understand those 32nd notes, or dotted s dotted sixteenths!! I just had the hardest time internalizing rhythm, which is one of the reasons I do my best to include them in my lessons so that student ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
As if one blog wasn’t enough for all my favorite Valentine’s games, here’s are seven freshly baked cookies – I mean, piano games!
I LOVE the month of February because that means I can bring out EVERY single pink game I own If you haven’t noticed from my brand, I’m only low-key obsessed with pink
Below, I’ll be sharing both physical and printable piano games I’ve created, as well as digital boom cards. Being a mom of two young children means that LOW-PREP is key around here! So I’m always finding ways that I can combine physical games, and boom cards, for the least amount of prep p ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
Ever heard the term “scaling” and wondered if it’s more than just piano scales? Well, we aren’t talking musical notes; we are talking about really expanding and growing your piano teaching business!!
So, what’s been lingering on your to-do list for a while?
Perhaps it’s time to start taking that course you’ve had bookmarked for months, or maybe you’re ready to dive into a YouTube channel. Dare I suggest… it’s time to raise your prices?!
Scaling your business doesn’t happen overnight, but growth requires little steps every day. Brace yourself because it’s not always linear. There might be t ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
I know I always say this, but can you believe it is almost the new year?! With 2 little ones always keeping me on my toes and a bustling business, I swear I blink and it’s winter. They say time flies when you’re having a blast, and let me tell you, I couldn’t agree more!
These final few weeks of December are my favorite time to reflect on the past year and start envisioning what I want for the year ahead. Seriously, planning and goal setting is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your kids, business, health, finances….everything!!
Okay, let’s talk GROWTH:
Are you aiming ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
If you aren’t playing games in your piano lessons, then I have to tell you – you are missing out!! Seriously, piano games have been an absolute game changer for my teaching and for my students.
What was your favorite game growing up?
Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue, Chutes & Ladders…anyone remember Guess Who? As fun as these classic games are, they also taught us valuable things we probably didn’t even understand at the time – memory, logic, problem solving, concentration…the benefits are limitless. Ahh, the power of a game!!
And believe me, piano games have power! I see it daily. Inco ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
I’ve heard it all…
“I was bored with how I was teaching piano”
“I was curious to see a new way of teaching piano”
“I wanted to offer more to my students”
“I wanted to teach my kids how to play piano”
“I knew I needed to level up in order to achieve a full list of students”
“I wanted my students to enjoy coming to piano lessons”
“I needed families to stop dropping out of lessons”
“I wanted to grow my studio”
While many of us may have been taught piano in a traditional way, it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way! I know piano lessons can seem a little “boring” sometimes. But just like anyth ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
We’ve all been there before…
You are waiting for your student to show up for their piano lesson, excited to see them and dive into what you’ve prepared for the day.
But then they walk in…and it’s pretty apparent that they’ve forgotten their book. The ONE must-have item!!!
I know the initial reaction is often to feel frustrated…and maybe a little bit of panic wondering “what do I do now?!”
I know it can feel like a setback for your lesson, however this situation provides an opportunity for you and your student to be flexible and get creative!
While it’s totally natural to feel a little bit ..read more
Cascade Method Blog
1y ago
You know how it goes…the recital is over, you’re finishing up your last week of lessons, the weather is ahh-mazing, and you are already thinking about how to make the most of your summer. And after all of your hard work during the year, you deserve it. It is time to RESET. Thank goodness for summers
We teachers need a physical and mental break.
Okay, I knooooow you’re ready to relax – trust me, I get it. But before you completely check out and settle in for summer, I want to share 3 non stressful things you can do this summer that will help you feel prepared for next year.
I know you ..read more