Food Allergy Wizards Blog
We understand Food Allergies! With over 20 years of experience, we specialize in consultations and custom packages for those dealing with food allergies. At Food Allergy Wizards, our mission is to create magic in your life through key strategies, recipes, and personal support all tailored to your needs.
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
A blend between my Yellow Cake and Cakes to give a Fan favorite – the Marble cake!
Click Here to download PDF.
35 minutes
1 8-inch single layer cake
Chocolate Mix
¾ cups gluten free flour without xanthan gum (Bobs Red Mill)
½ cup sugar
¼ cup cocoa powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
½ cup cold water
Yellow Cake mix
1 3/4 cups Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour (Bobs Red Mill)
1 cup Sugar
1 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1 cup Dairy Free ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
Top 9 Allergen Free!
Delicious decadent fudge brownies that will have you reaching for more than just one. An all-time favorite!
Click Here to download PDF.
Level: Apprentice Category: Dessert/Treat Time: 30 minutes Yields: 9 Squares
1 1/3 cups gluten free flour
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
¼ cup chocolate chips
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup water
½ cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 – 8×8 square baking pan
Parchment Paper
1 – Medium Mixing Bowl
1 Large Spoon
Dry Measu ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
* This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. *
The flu vaccine has been forefront in my mind this year with my food allergies and COVID. During my investigations, I found some very important information about the seasonal flu vaccines and I wanted to share this information to help those in the food allergy community.
The CDC states the flu vaccine may be safe for some of the population wit ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
We all worry about our children having a food allergic reaction and our worst fear is our child having an anaphylactic reaction. It can keep us up at night and on edge at events or when our child goes on a playdate. Creating an emergency plan with your medical team is of the utmost importance along with having 2 auto-injectors of epinephrine. You can view guidelines and a template for an emergency plan on FARES’ website. The link is listed at the end of this blog post.
It is vital to know the key symptoms of both a mild and severe reaction. Children may describe an allergic r ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
Oobleck is the coolest as it can transition from a solid to a liquid just by using your hands. It is so much fun to play with.. ahem… I mean for the kids of course !
Simple to make!
Click here to download the recipe in PDF.
1 ½ Cups Cornstarch (can substitute Tapioca Starch)
1 Cup of Water
Food Coloring (2-3 drops) or liquid watercolors (optional) * see note about food coloring
Large Mixing Bowl or Large Container
Large Spoon
Apron or Large Shirt if using food coloring to protect clothing
Wax Paper
Mix the cornstarch and water (if using food coloring or ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
This is an update on the FDA temporary label change policy for food manufacturers due to COVID-19.
So much is changing at this time all over the world and it can be overwhelming. This loss of certainty around what products are now truly safe for those of us with food allergies creates another layer of anxiety and frustration. FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) has been doing an amazing job of championing for our community. It is vital that we make our voices heard. Every voice counts!
You can go directly to the FARE website and read their latest updates. At the ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
Muddy Buddies are a HUGE hit! They are also no bake. The combination of the crunch of cereal, chocolate and sweet sugar and seed or nut butter is AH-Mazing.
Click here to download the recipe in PDF
Level: Apprentice Category: Snack Time: 20 Min Yields: 4 cups
4 Cups Rice Chex Cereal®
½ Cup Chocolate Chips (Enjoy Life)
¼ Cup Nut or Seed Butter of your choice
2 TLB Dairy Free Butter (Earths Balance)
½ TSP Salt
2 TSP Vanilla
1 Cup Confectionary Sugar ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
Food Allergies and interactions with others can be hard on so many levels. Personally, professionally and with family we strive to be safe and hope to be supported with our journey with food allergies. It doesn’t always work out that way and we can be left feeling misunderstood, frustrated and lonely.
If I could wave a magic wand, here are some key thoughts that I and many of those with allergies wish everyone could understand:
Food allergies are a real medical condition.
Food allergies can be life threatening.
One mild reaction does not mean the next one will be the same. At any ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
Ahhh! Summertime…sun, sand and water!
Time to enjoy being outside especially after most of us have been restricted to time inside our homes. I am focusing on all the fun of summer which brings me to 5 Allergy Tips for Summer to help ensure a safe and happy summer.
1. Make sure you have 2 auto-injectors of epinephrine with you at all times. Keep them stored within the temperature range stated on your auto-injector(s). You can store them in an insulated bag with a cooler pack or purchase a pouch/carrier designed specifically for auto-injectors.
2. Sunscreen! Spokin has created a list ..read more
Food Allergy Wizards Blog
3y ago
I love the crispy outside with the creamy inside of classic French toast and it is Top 9 Free! This is one of my all-time comfort foods to have at any meal.
Click here to download the recipe in PDF.
Level: Apprentice Category: Breakfast Time: 30 Min Yields: 4 servings
1 Cup Dairy Free Milk
3 TBL Corn starch, Potato starch or Tapioca starch
2 TSP Vanilla Extract
1 TLB Maple Syrup
1 TSP Cinnamon
Pinch of S ..read more