"...trippin' "
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
1w ago
Originally published as the 22nd episode during the first year of podcasting, the prevalence of... "trippin" has not diminished. In fact, there appears to be an EVEN MORE concerted effort to return US to times of yesteryear. I occasionally return to previously published episodes, not because of a lack of content, but because there are specific pieces that, regrettably, highlight what WE continue to endure. ***I also like to do a self-assessment of the improvement in my delivery and quality of the episodes I deliver to my listeners, weekly.     BTW...THANKS!!! OUR SPIRIT...LIVE ..read more
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"Your Fire Too High"
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
1M ago
This piece was written at the conclusion of the 2000 Presidential election. Those who had seemingly expressed their acceptance of the hatred that was consuming America had reached a rolling boil and was set to erupt. All in anticipation of an election result that would declare that 45 had won a second term. "Your Fire Too High" is a depiction of what was occurring and what was necessary to abate the movement that was confronting America during that time. We were fortunate on that day, 28 months ago. Undoubtedly, on the day of the presidential election, some of those that appeared at the pol ..read more
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"I Ain't Made to be Contained "
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
I previously posted this piece on August 8, 2021, as the fifth episode in the detailing of the hold that drugs once had on my life... BUT THIS TIME... I am posting it to extol the goodness that MY GOD has in store for me and ALL that truly trust and believe that HE can truly do abundantly more than we can ask think or imagine.  Yes, I have written several pieces that would probably more adequately celebrate GOD. However.... "I Ain't Made to be Contained" with all its nuances, allows the listener to delve into the realities of our human nature seeking to control the course of our lives ..read more
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"Take Your Warm-Ups Off"
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
STOP minimizing the importance of what you are capable of bringing to the table! STOP recognizing the importance of your singular voice-EVEN within your sphere of influence! STOP waiting for someone else to verbalize, or do, that which only you can say or accomplish! GET IN THE GAME!!! __________________________________________________________________________________________ Innumerable opinions and justifications (read as excuses) for a lack of involvement inundate that place to which I refer in this piece that was inspired by speaking to friends, listening to neighbors and the panoply of ..read more
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"Lessons From Ton Le Sap"
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
Simply, I am re-sharing this piece because it speaks directly to what was discussed in DAYSTART- a daily morning spiritual learning program hosted by @Journey Center Global. The topic for the week and one of the daily scriptures dealt specifically with exhibiting love to one another- one's neighbor. The Cambodians along the Ton Le Sap Lake have gotten it right-for they exhibit LOVE for one another.   Journey with me as I once again share "Lessons From Ton Le Sap" OUR SPIRIT LIVES!!! PEACE!!! _________________________________________________________________________________________ G ..read more
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Majestic Adornment
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
I have a PURPOSE!! Just as many of the individual raindrops that are identified in this piece, I have been designed to share the words that emanate oftentimes from a place of which even I am not aware. They are composed and shared because THAT IS WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO!! "Majestic Adornment" ...is a piece that I composed after stepping out on the lanai of my in-law's home early one morning. It was as if the raindrops were talking to me. It was if they were informing me that even though their visit is oftentimes frowned upon-the result of their purpose is overwhelmingly met with glee and en ..read more
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Them People Dangerous
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
They STILL GATHER...even after their preferred candidate was annihilated during last night's debate debacle. Many are professing that he laid out carefully crafted policies and that Kamala Harris still exhibited stupidity. QUESTION...WHAT DEBATE WERE YOU WATCHING? The continuing support and approval of a man that continues to exhibit a glaring disdain for reading and preparation while still spewing vitriol can now only be viewed as a desire to adhere to the inspired words that were composed after the JANUARY 6th INSURRECTION!!! IT IS NOW TIME TO START IMPRESSING UPON YOUR FRIENDS THE NEE ..read more
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'It's in Here Somewhere"
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
As men growing older, we oftentimes view many things with the lens that was available to us during our youth-our younger years. Specifically, we attempt to treat the aches and pains that sometimes bombard our bodies in the same manner as we did when we were younger. However, we now often find that which was a minor pain yesterday seems to stick around and invites its friends while concurrently seeking to  render us immobile. We delude ourselves into thinking that we can dig within and find the long-ago formula that we once possessed while totally ignoring the obvious pain. "It's in He ..read more
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"Staying the Course"
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
Many may listen, agree and simply want to throw in the towel. I sincerely hope that is not the case. Instead, "Staying the Course" is an acknowledgement of those things with which we are confronted.  However, its intent is to highlight those obstacles, both pending and real, while illuminating the resilience that is inherent within my people. Haymakers are continually thrown- sometimes staggering us and sometimes knocking us to one knee. Yet, the referee has failed to reach that obligatory ten count on each and every occasion. Sam sang about a coming change. It is OUR RESPONSIBILTY ..read more
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"Rubber Trees All Around Us"
Slater Hayes Podcast
by Herman Veal
2M ago
This piece was originally published on 03-06-2022. Frederick Douglas in his historic "What the Black Man Wants" speech delivered before the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, just days before the end of the civil war recognized that the Black man is faced with many obstacles. Chief among those obstacles is the prevalence of a " malignancy of hatred' that is being perpetuated from generation to generation among whites. We, as a people, must recognize that silence regarding those things and actions that rob us of our inherent rights must be addressed at the time of their occurrence. Too oft ..read more
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