Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
Smithsonian magazine places a Smithsonian lens on the world, looking at the topics and subject matters researched, studied and exhibited by the Smithsonian Institution - science, history, art, popular culture and innovation and chronicling them every day for our diverse readership.
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
9M ago
A new paper suggests that plants may use slow seed years to prevent the spread of disease ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
9M ago
What Iceland's volcanoes are revealing about early life on our planet ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
10M ago
More than 50 years after Bob Paine’s experiment with starfish, hundreds of species have been pronounced “keystones” in their ecosystems ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
10M ago
Sixty years ago, the largest earthquake in U.S. history shocked geologists. It’s still driving scientific discoveries today ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
10M ago
To prepare you for the movie “Twisters,” we’ve compiled some jaw-dropping details about the powerful phenomenon ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
10M ago
Our byways are an unnatural incursion into the natural world, especially when they’re allowed to fall into disuse. Meet a roadkill scientist and a journalist tracking how roads mess with nature—and what we can do about it ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
10M ago
These ten misconceptions underplay how much we have altered the global environment and undermine the new perspective we need to deal with a drastically changed world ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
11M ago
Despite being the smallest country in Southeast Asia, the city-state is now home to the largest population of the straw-headed bulbul ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
11M ago
For centuries, curious artists have been trying to make sense of the celestial event ..read more
Smithsonian Magazine » Our Planet
11M ago
Nature enthusiasts work with researchers to figure out how creatures respond to the celestial phenomenon ..read more