Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
Thanks for stopping by! I'm Rhoda, from Atlanta, GA and I love decorating and DIY projects. Decorating a home doesn't have to cost a fortune and I've spent years thrifting at antique markets and yard sales, finding those treasures that make a home unique. I'm here to inspire and encourage other women to find their own inner creativity. This section of the blog shares..
Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
3w ago
As I mentioned in last week’s post, this year I’m really focusing more on my health and looking for ways to feel better and have my health as good as it can be. When we are young, we sure take health for granted and we don’t think about what we are eating, or even exercising Read More
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Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
1M ago
We are leaving on Friday for a Caribbean cruise on Celebrity cruise lines. We've never cruised on this line before and I'm super excited to experience this ship line. We signed up with 8 other couples from our church and I think it's going to be so fun. I have worked with Chico's many times over the years and I reached out and asked if I could try some new clothing items from their resort collection to take on my cruise and they were generous to send me a few things. I love their resort wear line and they have some beautiful things this season. I'll show you what I got before I get packed up ..read more
Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
1M ago
Sharing a few things I've worn lately, with a few new things sprinkled in, many on sale now for end of the holiday season. Join me for some cute holiday inspiration that you can buy for next year. I love to shop the sales and that's what I always do. These are from J. Crew Factory, Amazon, and White House Black Market.
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Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
2M ago
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year was different for me and it was our first Thanksgiving without mom. My sister and Lauren's family came up and they went to our cousin, Brenda's house, as we often do, but this year I opted to go with Mark to his family gathering. Since they are both at the same time, it was impossible to do both, but we all had a wonderful spread of delicious food. So much to be thankful for!
Today, I'm sharing a few of my favorite finds that are on Black Friday sales. I know you are probably saturated with Black Friday sales from so many directions ..read more
Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
3M ago
I'm back with some fun shares with you today for Fashion over 60. Yeah, I decided to change that now since I'm moving on up the 60's fast myself. These styles would work for any of us in the senior years, so I hope you get some ideas for the holiday season. I love these colors of the season and I hope you do too. There are some fun pieces here and these would make the upcoming holidays very fun and festive.
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Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
4M ago
It's been a few weeks since I've shared any fashion, but I've compiled some fun fall fashion ideas for you today from Talbot's, J. Crew Factory, and Chico's. These are 3 of my go to shopping brands. I've also got a new pair of jeans from a new to me brand, Avara, so I'll be wearing those for you. I really like these legs! I hope these ideas give you some inspiration for adding a fresh piece or 2 to your wardrobe. It's getting closer to sweater weather!
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Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
5M ago
Hey there friends! I'm back with a few fall sale ideas for you today, from Chico's and Talbot's. I've had good luck with both brands and enjoy their stylish and quality clothes. You'll see some bright colors, as well as neutrals. Who doesn't love basic black pants/joggers or a little black dress? And leopard. How I love leopard, so I've included several pieces of leopard print today. I'm really loving that belt and may have to grab it. Those neutral strappy shoes are from Talbot's and I bought them last year. They go from season to season. Enjoy!
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Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
6M ago
It all started with our visit to Williamsburg. Neither Mark, nor I had really seriously considered getting e-bikes until we rode there for an hour on a nice trail in the countryside. We found out firsthand how fun they really are and how that extra boost is golden for a bike rider. We didn't even have any hills in Williamsburg, but we could tell it would seriously change the dynamic of bike riding for us to eventually get e-bikes. I really didn't think it would be this soon, but Mark came back raving about them and couldn't stop talking about how we should get them. We both have perfectly goo ..read more
Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
6M ago
I'm back today with a few shares for sales from Talbot's and J Crew Factory. They both have some good sales going on right now and many of these items will carry you from summer to fall. I love mixing up pieces in my wardrobe to work for different seasons and so many things can make the leap to other seasons. I hope you enjoy these shares today! Shopping sales is the best bang for your buck!
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Southern Hospitality Blog » Fashion Beauty & Fitness
7M ago
Goals for my lips are for them to be soft, smooth and line free (within reason). I definitely like to use lip products to keep my lips hydrated and soft during the day and nighttime. I do not like dry cracked lips and I’m sure you don’t either. I’m sharing a great product with you today that I shared with you earlier this year, called City Lips and I've been using them for a couple of years. They are having a BOGO sale this week, so you will want to get in on that if you’re looking for products for your lips that really work and enhance the lips you have.
The post Supple Lips with City Lips S ..read more