96 Mining Job Interview Questions - MM's Daughter's experience
Beers With A Miner
by mad Mumzie
6M ago
Job interviews can be a nerve-wracking experience, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. In this episode, we delve into the rollercoaster ride of Mad Mumzie’s daughter’s phone interview. We explore the tricky interview questions that threw her off and how she got through them. The interview kicks off with a seemingly straightforward question: "What does safety mean to you?" This question, though simple, sets the tone for the rest of the interview. It's a reminder that interviewers are not just looking for technical skills, but also for insight into a candidate's values and mindset. So, did ..read more
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95 Georgia Wilson - Shot Firer & Founder of 'Chicks In Mining'
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
7M ago
Georgia Wilson shares her journey from being an underground truck driver to a respected shot firer and safety professional. Georgia is a passionate miner and safety advocate. She talks about her initiative, "Chicks in Mining," a supportive community and mining merch brand for women in the mining sector. Listen in as Georgia and Mad Mumzie discuss the ups and downs of their careers, the importance of culture in mining, and the hilarious mishaps that come with the job. They also delve into the significance of mentoring and supporting women in the industry. Show Notes: https://madmumzie.com/beers ..read more
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94 Matt Michael Returns - Mining Select & Money of Mine
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
9M ago
This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of mining recruitment, the power of persistence, investing in the Resources sector and the importance of a good laugh along the way! Matt Michael from Money Of Mine podcast and co-founder of Mining Select. In this episode we dive deep into Matt's latest venture, Mining Select, a revolutionary platform aiming to transform the mining recruitment landscape. Matt shares the highs, lows, and hilarious anecdotes of creating a "Tinder for mining jobs," where quality trumps quantity, and Australian workers can connect directly with mini ..read more
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87 Got a Start date? NOW WHAT???
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
2y ago
If you are a Newbie, or Wannabe Miner this one is especially for you. After seeing another post on social media asking questions about what happens now that they have finally got a start in the mines, Mad Mumzie decided to pick up the microphone and have a chat, getting a few things off her chest. She is passionate that 'Knowledge about mining lifestyle and culture, is THE most effective way for a Newbie to last in the mining industry. --- before they even start.' This is a must listen. Show Notes: https://www.madmumzie.com/beers87 https://madmumzie.com/startdate Are you looking for a job ..read more
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85 Gen Z - Mining needs you!
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
2y ago
How can we inspire the next generation to stop hating on mining, come play with us, and help save the world by joining the resources industry? Mad Mumzie joins the chorus and is in rant mode so look out! After hearing a radio interview she just had to hit record. Another heartfelt, passionate chat.  Show Notes: https://www.madmumzie.com/beers85 https://shapeyourfuture.com.au/ https://www.qrc.org.au/ 62 Mackay Mayor and Denmark Tv. But why? Are you looking for a job in the mines but don't know where to start? Head to https://www.madmumzie.com/noexperience/ Online courses and community by M ..read more
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84 FIFO travel tips-Hard Hat Mentor
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie and Steel Cap Sisters
2y ago
‘Drewie’ Mad Mumzie’s sister has been living the mining & construction FIFO life for 30+ years flying in 5-seater planes to international and everything in between. This chat is not just about what to take and weight limits. What happens at the airport, how to get to site and why you do not want the dreaded green bag? Even if you're an old timer, you will enjoy this chat. Changing sites, or states makes you a newbie all over again-on that site. A must listen episode. 2 sisters shooting the breeze whilst in Covid lockdown together after 4 years apart! Stay on to hear MM sharing what she did ..read more
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83 Hugh Brown Mining Photographer
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
3y ago
Hugh’s many adventures include stories from the Pilbara, Goldfields, Africa, & Pakistan and more. He’s been Underground in the worlds most dangerous mining mountain Cerro Rico in Bolivia, inside volcanoes, and done photo shoots with 3 helicopters over huge open cut mines. Of course there are also crocodile stories from right here in Oz! Hugh is based in the Pilbara in WA and has travelled the world taking photos of mines, machines, and the people who are part of our global mining family. His books have sold over 50,000 copies. Hugh is also here to Make a Difference. He shares with us, fond ..read more
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82 Dumping your load. It is an art!
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
3y ago
Ever wondered about dumping your load as a dump truck operator? How hard can it be? It’s not rocket science, right?!! Listen up and you decide. A call for help from a Newbie-so Mad Mumzie recorded a message to share with her and wanted to do all she could to help! This is what you will hear. This will give you an insight if you are a wannabe, or newbie to mining. For my old timers, be sure to listen to the end for the bits I needed to clarify. Also, sadly we lost another miner here in Central Qld so Mad Mumzie touches on that too. Shownotes: https://madmumzie.com/beers82 Are you looking for a ..read more
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81 International Women’s Day 2022
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
3y ago
Mad Mumzie in Zambia for International Women’s Day 2022-online only, but you get to hear her words to celebrate and encourage the newly formed Bainetu WIMZ members for their Women in Mining award ceremony. Take a seat at the MECC event that Mad Mumzie attended in person on the day. Stay until the end too, MM has been hacked and disabled from FBook and she is not happy! Founded in 2020, Bainetu Women in Mining Zambia is a voluntary, non-profit organisation that holds talks and networking events that aims to bringing women in the mining industry together. BWIMZ is also dedicated to celebrating w ..read more
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80 Hayden Lawrie - Viral Mining Things Videos
Beers With A Miner
by Mad Mumzie
3y ago
Hayden Lawrie is the face behind the viral 'mining things' videos MM chats about sayings us miners use regularly and why he started Hunter Valley Mining Apparel. Connecting Australian Miners with hats and merch that make you say f$&k yeah!! A fun chat ensues... what are Mad Mumzie's thoughts on the sayings, compared to Hayden's? Show Notes: https://www.madmumzie.com/beers80 https://miningapparel.com.au/ https://www.tiktok.com/@huntervalleyminingaparel https://www.tiktok.com/@therealmadmumzie Are you looking for a job in the mines but don't know where to start? Head to https://www.madmumzie ..read more
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