5 Newborn Sleep Tips To Support a Better Schedule Early On
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Jessica Gleim
2y ago
5 Newborn Sleep Tips To Support a Better Schedule Early On   Putting your newborn on a sleep schedule isn’t as rigid as it sounds. I’m Kim,  an expert on gentle, evidence-based infant sleep. It is possible to create small habits early on in your baby’s life to support their sleep — now and as they age developmentally. You don’t have to leave your baby to cry in a room alone. No one understands that more than me. It’s how my entire Baby-Led Sleep and Coaching programs were born.  Parents wanted an alternative, softer way to promote their baby’s sleep, and now you have one. Today ..read more
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Understanding Sleep & Surviving the First Few Months With Your Sweet Newborn
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Jessica Gleim
2y ago
Understanding Sleep & Surviving the First Few Months With Your Sweet Newborn You won’t get a lot of sleep with a newborn. (There, I said it. Better to set realistic expectations so you’re prepared!) It might surprise you that in my new book, The Sleep Lady’s Gentle Guide to Newborn Sleep, we focus on feeding your new baby first. That’s a fast way to start getting better sleep because newborns wake up frequently to eat. Those frequent wakings definitely impact your sleep schedule too. I know you’re way more focused on your baby than yourself. I’m here to remind you that your overall health ..read more
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Daylight Saving Time Tips — 9 Hints for Springing Forward
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Kim West
2y ago
Daylight Saving Time Tips — 9 Hints for Springing Forward It seems like the winter holidays just ended, and it’s already on the horizon — Daylight Saving Time! In the US, we spring forward on Sunday, March 12, and it’s Sunday, March 26 in Europe. The week afterward is usually one where everyone feels a little tired and cranky, or just a little “off”. We have daylight-saving time tips that will help ease the transition. Nobody feels it the way babies and small children do. They’re the least likely to understand why, and the most likely to be upset. But with a little preparation, you can transit ..read more
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Signs of The 4-Month Sleep Regression & 3 Simple Solutions To Help You Through It
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Jessica Gleim
2y ago
Signs of The 4-Month Sleep Regression & 3 Simple Solutions To Help You Through It   Whether you’re still sleep deprived or feeling like you’re finally getting a routine down — when the 4-month sleep regression hits, it rocks your world. You desperately need your baby to sleep at night, for everyone’s sake! If your baby’s not quite 4 months, read on to feel prepared. If you’re dealing with this normal but challenging phase, let’s get you through with evidence-based solutions. I became The Sleep Lady by helping tens of thousands of families achieve gentle sleep, and I’m ready to guide y ..read more
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Understand Why Your Baby Stays Awake All Night but Sleeps in The Day
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Jessica Gleim
2y ago
Understand Why Your Baby Stays Awake All Night but Sleeps in The Day Your 4-week-old’s beautiful eyes are wide open, and they’re staring up at you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. It’s incredible gazing at your child, soaking up every tiny detail. Then, a wave of exhaustion hits and you remember… It’s 2 am. You suddenly feel like crying — and wish you both were sleeping. “How can I get my newborn to sleep at night?” is a top question I get from weary parents. It seems like your newborn’s up all night and asleep all day, right? You’re starting to look for solutions because you don’t know how many ..read more
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Story Of the Sleep Lady
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Assistant
2y ago
The Story Of the Sleep Lady.. Let me tell you about my mission to help a million tired parents transform their sleepless lives! It’s important that you know a little bit more about me, and why I created the Gentle Sleep Coach Training and Certification program. Watch the Video Here More of a visual learner? Watch my story.  How I Became the Sleep Lady My 25+ year journey started as an overworked, exhausted parent with a daughter who would not sleep! But, I wanted a gentler approach to the typical cry-it-out method. I went against the social norm and put her on a flexible, gentle eating a ..read more
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Join me in Helping Tired Parents All Over the World by Becoming a Gentle Sleep Coach
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Milos
2y ago
Join me in Helping Tired Parents All Over the World by Becoming a Gentle Sleep Coach After helping tens of thousands of sleepless families achieve their dream of a good night’s sleep over the last 29 years it’s very clear to me that – the demand for well-trained, accessible sleep coaches continues! Consider These Numbers: There are babies being born every day all over the world (all of which eat, SLEEP, and poop) And 1 in 4 of them will have some sort of sleep problem Our doctors get little training in sleep yet are asked to help parents every day. One report found that roughly half of all pe ..read more
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What Makes a Sleep Coach Certification Program Great?
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Milos
2y ago
What Makes a Sleep Coach Certification Program Great? Hi there, I’ve been training sleep coaches since 2010 (more than a decade!) – and have seen so many programs take after my sleep coach certification. I am truly flattered, but I believe that my program can never be recreated or imitated. There are several key components of my Gentle Sleep Coach Training Program that make it rise above the rest.  When you’re looking for a sleep coach certification, ask yourself these questions about the training program: How long is the sleep coach certification program and what is involved? Some programs w ..read more
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Safe Co-Sleeping with Your Newborn
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Jessica Gleim
2y ago
Safe Co-Sleeping with Your Newborn The topic of co-sleeping and whether the risks outweigh the benefits of co-sleeping with your newborn or baby is hotly debated in the world of infant sleep. Co-sleeping with your newborn is different from room sharing, which is having the baby sleep in the same room but in a separate bed. The AAP and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) have formally recommended against co-sleeping/bedsharing for a child under age 2 because of the increased risk of death or injury from suffocation, strangulation, or entrapment. However, according to one study, 6 ..read more
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Bonding and Cuddling Can Improve Newborn Sleep
The Sleep Lady Blog
by Jessica Gleim
2y ago
Bonding and Cuddling Can Improve Newborn Sleep   Really? Something as simple as cuddling, talking softly, and speaking reassuring phrases such as “It’s okay” or “There, there” in your bedtime routine can actually improve your newborn sleep? Yes! Dr. Douglas Teti, a professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State University, has been conducting longitudinal work as part of the Study of Infants’ Emergent Sleep Trajectories (yes, it’s known as SIESTA). He used the Emotional Availability Scales—to look at the correlation between emotional availability and sleep in 35 families with children rang ..read more
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