Putting Wellbeing at the Core of Your Values - Jodie Hill, Thrive Law
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
3y ago
The first podcast in our series, Claire Pittaway talks to Jodie Hill, Founder of Leeds based Thrive Law and Chairperson of This is Me Yorkshire. Find out more and get involved at www.thisismeyorkshire.com ..read more
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Getting Men Talking - Oli Vikse, Andy's Man Club
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
3y ago
Oli attended the first ever ANDYSMANCLUB meeting in 2016, and since then his life have gone from strength to strength. Today, Oli is a Project Development Worker for  ANDYSMANCLUB. He has a vision of making their services available to every man, in every town and city accross the UK.  The changes he has seen in himself, he has seen in others that have come to the club, and wants every man who needs this support to be able to experience it.  ..read more
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Engage, Educate and Embed - Beverley Peace, HB Projects
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
3y ago
The second episode in our series, Claire talks to Beverley Peace, Group Compliance Director of Bradford based HB Projects.  Beverley Peace is Group Compliance Director at national construction company HB Projects, serving on its board of Directors. She has worked in Health & Safety for over 25 years and is constantly exploring opportunities for business, employees’ or her own self-development. Beverley’s core professional belief is trust and she truly cares about work and the people she works with.  This belief, and her passion for people, has led her to work tirelessly to ensur ..read more
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Going Beyond Stigma - Stevie Ward, Mantality & Leeds Rhinos
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
3y ago
Stevie Ward, Founder and MD of Mantality and Captain of Leeds Rhinos, talks to This is Me Yorkshire about his story of mental illness and the lengths he is now going to to educate and inspire other men to take their mental health and wellbeing seriously. Stevie is working to break down stigma with men in Yorkshire through his organisation, Mantality ..read more
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Declan Williams - Is Self Care a Con?
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
3y ago
Declan Williams is one of the founding directors of the Digital Gene. They are a boutique web, e-commerce and bespoke software solutions agency. Declan has made Leeds is home over 2 years ago after founding the business with his mum Sharon whilst still living at home. Declan's passion comes from a place of help. He loves helping businesses realise the power and transformative potential in digital when it's done properly. He also co-hosts a podcast called Its In The Genes. In each episode, Declan and his mum chat about current affairs, digital, tech and what it's like working together in a fami ..read more
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Ian McCann - Caution - This Vehicle Is Wired Negative Earth
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
3y ago
This Is Me Yorkshire podcast series!   In this series, Jodie interviews Yorkshire leaders who share their journey with Mental health to keep the conversation going. The podcast will be showcasing new leaders each week, this week is Ian McCann the Chief Engagement Officer and commercial litigation specialist at Legal Studio Solicitors Episode two: Caution - This Vehicle Is Wired Negative Earth BIO  Thank you for taking the time to listen to Ian's story and we hope this helped you in some way. Please do follow Jodie and Clive on social media and reach out to them if you have a ..read more
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Inspiring a City - Tom Riordan, CEO of Leeds City Council
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
3y ago
In Episode 7, Tom Riordan, CEO of Leeds City Counsil, talks about the importance of transparent leadership, breaking down barriers and learning from others with lived experience. Tom has been Chief Executive of Leeds City Council since 2010 and during this time has overseen £300m of efficiencies across the organisation and a significant transformation of the city, which is halfway through a £10bn investment pipeline. Plans are set to double the size and economic impact of the city centre through regeneration of the South Bank, one of the largest city centre regeneration and growth initiatives ..read more
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Steve Phillip: Building a legacy.
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
4y ago
Steve Phillip has used his lived experience from losing his son to suicide to prevent other families from that trauma through setting up the Jordan Legacy CIC. Our guest on this week's podcast is Steve Phillips for over 20 years he has been a successful consultant, trainer and keynote speaker in the world of sales and marketing, when on December 4th 2019, he received a call that would change his life – his son Jordan had taken his own life. Faced with the choice of either sitting on a sofa with a bottle or creating something to prevent other families from having to experience the trauma of l ..read more
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Harry Bliss: a tragedy of losing a friend to suicide fuelled a mission to change and save lives by making healthier, easier.
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
4y ago
Our guest on this week's podcast is Harry Bliss the Founder and CEO of Champion Health a workplace health and wellbeing platform that makes healthier easier. Following a tragic event where Harry's mentor ended his life in 2018, the Champion Health team have come together to make long-lasting change. Harry is leading the way with a data-driven and inclusive approach to wellbeing in the workplace. This episode is incredibly inspiring, Harry tells us how we can start to turn adversity into opportunity and by doing what he does he continues to change so many lives. Thank you for taking the time ..read more
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Clive Johnson: Mental ill health doesn't discriminate.
This is Me Yorkshire
by This is Me Yorkshire
4y ago
Clive Johnson: Transforming the construction industry that has 2 suicides a day to getting 175 CEOs to commit to making a positive change in the workplace. Our guest on this week's podcast is Clive Johnson the Group Head of Health and Safety at Derwent London PLC. Clive is an expert in improving the health, safety, security and wellbeing culture of any business and creating the right environments for people to thrive. His passion, personality skills, knowledge, attitude, training and experience shine through in this podcast. Clive’s mantra is to be Risk Aware not Risk-Averse but to act respon ..read more
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