Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
Discontent with the global state of mass surveillance and its negative impact on our lives, the Safing team decided it was time to do something about it. Take part of the journey and explore the behind-the-scenes: How do you fund a privacy company? Why are deadlines always unrealistic? And ultimately, what is the solution to the privacy dilemma?
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
3y ago
Marketing is ever present. From the snake oil salesman who tricks people into buying useless stuff to the grand events hosted by the marketing mogul Apple to small companies trying to get some attention. One thing is certain: our attention is heavily fought over.
But with all the negative examples we experience, how can a company approach the topic marketing ethically? Dive into today's talk with David and Raphael who discuss Safing's approach to the topic and how we analyze the marketing funnel. How does a person move from never having heard of Safing to becoming a Portmaster user or even a p ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
Which privacy service deserves your trust? Often you will hear things like good security or if the code is open source. But as always, it has a lot to do with money. Who pays in the end?
In today's episode we welcome no other than TheHatedOne (Privacy YouTuber), who joins us to discuss business models.
Why are they important? How can a service be financially sustainable? And out of Signal and GrapheneOS, which one does a great job while the other is set up in a questionable manner to say the least.
Show Notes - Accompanying Blog Post: https://safing.io/blog/2021/05/06/how-weak-business-models ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
We all long for Freedom. And privacy advocates say that Freedom is only possible with privacy. But could Freedom be achieved without it? That is exactly what today's guest Ben Malisow is claiming: Get rid of privacy altogether and humanity will be liberated.
Join today's episode where Raphael and Ben have a wonderful debate on one of the most pressing issues of our time.
Show Notes - Ben's Book "Exposed": https://amazon.com/dp/B08M5DGS4H/
- Ben's Podcast: https://www.securityzed.com/podcast-test Support - Use the Portmaster for Free, Forever: https://safing.io/portmaster/
- Give Us a Star on G ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
The Portmaster privacy app is one giant of a machine. But up until recently, most of its powers were not really usable. The features were either invisible or hidden behind a clunky old User Interface.
That is where Patrick comes along, who took charge of completely modernizing the Portmaster's User Interface. There is a lot to unravel here as Patrick gives us a good look at how it was to join Safing, how he felt when receiving this monumental task and how it was to work alongside Luke, the designer.
Show Notes - Old UI - Dashboard: https://assets.safing.io/podcast/images/e027/old_dashboard.png ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
Accepting payments as a privacy company is not as straightforward as it might seem. Instead of ignoring privacy issues as most companies do, we feel the best way to protect any user data is to not collect it in the first place. On the other hand we have legal requirements we need to fulfill. Finding the best solution requires a lot of thought. Additionally, being a privacy company means that many payment vendors are not too keen to provide us with their services. Raphael and David sit down and have an extensive talk about all of these aspects.
What could we do better? Let us know h ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
Raphael takes us through another solo episode and updates us on Safing's most recent developments. How did the AMA event go? What is the state of the SPN and the account page? What bug is currently haunting the Portmaster? And what are the next payment methods we are working on?
Do you want to know more about how we feel about privacy? Ask us further questions on reddit:
- r/safing: https://reddit.com/r/safing
Links - Check out the full AMA: https://www.reddit.com/iv6mca/ - PrivacyWeek: https://privacyweek.at/
- You can always contact us at: hello@safing.io Talks on TheHatedOne's C ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
This episode is a special one because this time only Raphael sat down to talk about what is happening in the company. He talks about the current state of the SPN and gives insight into our thought process during the release. He also gives a sneak peak of the talk he prepared for the Austrian Privacy Week.
Do you want to know more about how we feel about privacy? Ask us further questions on reddit:
- r/safing: https://reddit.com/r/safing
Links - PrivacyWeek: https://privacyweek.at/
Raphtys Handles - https://twitter.com/Raphty101/
- https://reddit.com/u/Raphty101 ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
Daniel and David sit down to have a lengthy talk on DNS resolvers: How does DNS resolving actually work? What about encrypted DNS? Why can the Internet Service Provider still track you even when encrypting your DNS? What are the differences between DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS? How do Browsers/VPN/the Portmaster resolve your DNS? Enjoy this tech-heavy episode!
Do you like these technical talks? Do you want more of them? Let us know on:
- r/safing: https://reddit.com/r/safing
Links - Download the Portmaster: https://safing.io/download/
- Github Repository: https://github.com/Safi ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
What is the problem with public deadlines and how do they impact creativity & performance? How did Luke approach the massive task of completely re-desiging Safing? What tools come into play and where do we currently stand?
David and Luke get together to chat about these questions, giving plenty of insight behind-the-scenes. Enjoy!
Give Luke the criticism he wished for on reddit:
- r/safing: https://reddit.com/r/safing
Links - Homepage: https://safing.io/
- Tailwind CSS: https://tailwindcss.com/
Lukes Handles - https://twitter.com/lukeseers/
- https://github.com/lukeseers
Davids ..read more
Coding Freedom - The Safing Podcast
4y ago
With the recent release of our payment server Raphael and David sit down to talk about cash payments, one of the methods available right from the start. Arguably the most private payment method out there, it still has its drawbacks. What are they? And what can you do to mitigate risks?
What could we do better? Let us know how we can improve our podcast on reddit:
- r/safing: https://reddit.com/r/safing
Links - Download the Portmaster: https://safing.io/download/
- Account Server: https://account.safing.io
Raphtys Handles - https://twitter.com/Raphty101/
- https://reddit.com/u/Rapht ..read more