I was told I “over manage” today
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/Humblepeanut333
8h ago
OK, I never create long post, but I’m looking for some positive feedback I’m not sure if you guys ever heard of ?️Toastmasters ?️. It’s a public speaking club just recently. I became the vice president of education for the club during that next week our president, vice president of mentorship and membership we’re all out so the whole meeting fell on me as I would be next in line to run the meeting if the president is not available, I am completely new to leadership. This was my second week filling in for president and I had a lot of people that did not show up do their roles so I had to deleg ..read more
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How to address an employee who's frequently overstepping their position or breaking conventions in minor ways?
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/Gaumir
11h ago
I have a highly motivated employee who's constantly coming up with ideas and suggestions for improvement. The thing is, they do it in a confrontational manner, trying to reach my boss instead of me whenever they feel like I'm not implementing her ideas fast enough. Or expressing those ideas in a general company chat instead of our team's chat, which would mean I'd have to criticize their idea in front of the whole company if I don't agree with something, and that they may get an approval on a bad idea from the C-level just because they don't realize it's bad. I don't want to cut the employee ..read more
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Any tips/advice on offering constructive feedback on managers?
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/Cold-Disk-9936
11h ago
Long Post Alert! Hi All, Seeking advice (from experienced managers or anyone who's been in a similar situation) on how to offer feedback about a manager. I am currently one of the more "Senior" folks on the team and my manager is pretty inexperienced. We now have new top level management I'm being asked for feedback on my manager (who I report to directly). Questions include things like - " Do you feel like you receive the necessary coaching frequent competent coaching and feedback you can action on"? As I mentioned, my manager is inexperienced and so I don't feel like I receive any kind of ..read more
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How to be a servant leader?
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/Friendly_Lake3870
11h ago
it so happens that acc. to the role, the leadership style changes, sometimes transitional, authoritarian etc. There is one style I find quite risky, that is servant leadership. But it is also the one our world needs the mosrlt rn. How do one become a servant leader without getting taken advantage of? i'll rephrase that, is it possible to become a servant leader in this era or everchanging society? what is the biggest hurdle in doing so? Any book or lecture recommendation are welcomed :) thanks! submitted by /u/Friendly_Lake3870 [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Willful Ignorance and Blind Spots
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/International-Web389
17h ago
I recently resigned my company due to Leadership. Upon receiving my 30 day notice, CFO asks ……….. someone else on the team “Why are people leaving?” He didn’t ask me and I am here for another 2 weeks. The reason is because he doesn’t actually want to know. If he did want to hear the truth, here is what I would have told him. Cultural Insensitivity: Your Medical Director sharing a story of how she made her college friend change her name because it was too hard to say- and than our teammate suddenly had to change their name for her. Publicly misgendering someone at an all staff in person meet ..read more
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How to handle meetings w/ upper management that feel like interrogations?
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/Hashtag_Tech
17h ago
Most meetings I have with upper levels of management feel like I’m being put on trial, interrogated and having to prove my case that the team is working. I provide regular status updates to them… have an agenda going into the meetings… but they turn into grill sessions with me walking through every detail of the project, showing every deliverable… by the end they usually “agree” the team is doing what they’re supposed to. I’m internally getting very annoyed at being interrogated vs. offered to provide support and guidance… not to mention the waste of time. Got ideas for how I can approach thi ..read more
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A leader of another team is publicly sewering one of my teams
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/smart_stable_genius_
17h ago
For context his team was operating independently in a siloed region of the country without support from my department for many years. 2 years ago the company asked us to work together to roll out my team's presence in a number of his states. He opposed it, and ultimately sandbagged us to a point of us agreeing it wasn't going to work (we'd never get the information or resources we needed to to our jobs), and my employee in the state ended up quitting. After much effort, many public and unprofessional disputes with no more than superficial support from head office, I requested we abandon his g ..read more
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What questions do you ask during your 1:1s?
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/periwinkle_0
17h ago
New people leader here, I find myself going blank during my 1:1s with my direct reports. How do you usually probe them to speak up? What do you try to get out of these 1:1s? submitted by /u/periwinkle_0 [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Yes/No answers
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/UselessGamerCR
17h ago
So most of our leadership lives we are taught to ask open questions. I do it myself every day. In here we also do it all of the time. But, what are your favorite leadership-related Yes/No questions? submitted by /u/UselessGamerCR [visit reddit] [comments ..read more
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Not in a position to quit or change jobs, but need to make this work.
Reddit » Leadership
by /u/Bubbly_West8481
2d ago
I’m in a position (middle management) where I’m meant to influence some stakeholders I work with who don’t directly report to me or my manager. But their inputs are extremely important for me to do a job well done/half decent. I’ve been in the company 7 months now and I’ve noticed some of these stakeholders play favourites, they’re not very responsive to me but respond to my senior manager and her needs. It’s definitely frustrating because me and my manager have the same goals and we need them to cooperate. My manager sometimes struggles to think through details and so i try to support as muc ..read more
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