Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
Learning to live with agoraphobia and anxiety, while still living a happy life. Tips and hints to help you through. Sometimes we'll talk about other everyday things going on in life. A little bit of everything I guess. Reach out to me anytime you need someone to help you through an anxiety-filled moment.
Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
I seem to be having issues publishing this. I thought I had done it at the end of October, and then again last week since it didn't look like it was published, so I'll give it one more try.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
I just realized that I never added the actual podcast to this post. So sorry. Today I plan to put up my outdoor holiday decorations since it's going to be close to 70 degrees outside. I live in New England so that's warm for November. Everyone enjoy the day. I will probably be back tomorrow. Time to get into the holiday spirit, it's not going to be easy so I'm off to get started.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
I've been away for a while and am in a better place than I was the last time I was here. I hope things continue to get better for all. Sending hugs and love to all who need it. Can you believe it's October, the holidays are coming quickly whether we are ready or not.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
Feeling blah, down, and anxious lately. There always seems to be something to worry about.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
I believe that my anxiety started when I was younger, I didn't even know what anxiety was, but I felt it. It all started with my stalker; i never found out who he was, but he surely changed my carefree life and made me more fearful.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
It's been a difficult couple of days and I'm not at my best. I'm terrified and don't know what I should do.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
My thoughts on the weather, the Challenge, and my life in general today.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
It's the day before inauguration day in the U.S. Hopefully, everything goes well and the country moves toward healing and not a greater divide. In other news, I want to get back to clearing out the basement and doing things around here. Speaking of news, I think we would do a lot better if the media reported the news and stayed impartial and truthful. These days you never know who is telling the truth.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
I feel that I have to make some changes in how I live my life. I have to put more focus on my happiness and making myself feel good. I have to be less focused on how everyone else feels and that's hard, it's how I've lived for all these years.
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Agoraphobia, Anxiety, and Learning to Be Happy
1y ago
I don't like feeling this way. Time to find a way to turn things around and change my thinking.
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