A Raad Story
South Florida Parenting blog that shines light on the joys of pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood. Offering practical tips on motherhood journey and life with little ones from a Broward mom. A Raad Story helps build up and encourage the everyday woman to have a positive outlook in her daily life by offering an optimistic perspective of our daily adventures as a new loving family.
A Raad Story
6M ago
[DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional nor claim to be. My 5 babies were all full-term babies with zero medical issues. Please heed to your healthcare professional’s advice. This is how my husband and I were able to help our babies sleep through the night. It has worked out fantastically and beautifully for our ..read more
A Raad Story
11M ago
My husband and I just took our official last babymoon prior to baby no. 5’s arrival and oh, was it necessary! What is a Babymoon? A babymoon is a short vacation taken by a couple who is expecting a baby soon. It’s similar to a honeymoon in that it’s a “couple’s only” trip – no other family member is included, except the baby in the belly, of course! A babymoon is ideal and is great for a couple to disconnect to reconnect, relax, and enjoy quality time with their love.
There is no minimum or maximum number of days to your vacation nor do you have to travel to take time off. It can be a w ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
Hello December! It’s the most wonderful time of the year and why not make it a transformative one by remembering the reason for the Christmas season. Gather with your loved ones and friends to study the life or Jesus through the gospel of Luke. How? By reading 1 chapter a day (of the book of Luke) starting today! You will be done on Christmas Eve. What a beautiful holiday tradition to incorporate in your household. Save the image below to follow along as we kick off today with Luke 1 today – the story of John the Baptist’s birth and Mary’s divine conception ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
My husband and I had been dreaming of taking a cruise again, and finally after 6 years, we finally embarked on a Royal Caribbean cruise earlier this month. With so many ports here in Florida, there are several options to choose from – from a weekend getaway to a week long cruise (or longer!) plus a variety of destinations, entertainment and excursions that make cruising an incredible vacation. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider taking a cruise on your next vacation.
Best bang for your buck
Cruises are relatively affordable, when you take into account the lodging, seafare transportatio ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
Dia 31:
English? [Click here]
Escribre: “Soy la mama que [EL NOMBRE DE MI HIJO] necesita, por lo cual me esfuerzo para ser mejor que ayer.”
¡Felicidades por completar el Desafío de 31 Días de Mamá! Date una palmadita en la espalda por decidir embarcarte un mes conmigo y con otras mamás. Ruego que hayas redescubierto la alegría de la maternidad y aplicas el amor propio con la direccion de Dios. Recuerda: Tu transmites lo que eres a tu hijo. Fuiste elegida para ser la madre de tu(s) hijo(s) y nadie mejor que tú lo puede hacer, por eso, esfuérzate por ser mejor cada día. ¡Siempre hay espacio ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
Day 31 Challenge:
Español? [Clic aqui]
WRITE: “I am the mom my child(ren): [INSERT THEIR NAME(S)] needs, therefore I strive to be better than yesterday.”
Congratulations on completing the 31 Day Mom Challenge! Give yourself a pat on the back for deciding to take this month long journey with me and fellow mamas. I pray you have rediscovered the joy of motherhood while embracing self-love with God’s guidance. Remember, you transmit what you are to your child. You were chosen to be your child(ren)’s mother and no one can do it better than you, therefore, strive to be better everyday. There i ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
Dia 30:
English? [Click here]
Dia de belleza en el Salon o Spa
Por lo general, las madres tienden a cuidar de todos, menos de ellas mismas. ¡Yo, por mi parte, honestamente hago esto! Pero es importante tomarse unas horas para ir a la peluquería, al salón de belleza, y/o al spa. Nuestra apariencia externa es un reflejo de cómo nos sentimos con nosotras mismas. Aunque hay momentos en los que no encontramos el tiempo, es importante hacer tiempo. Si no puedes encontrar a alguien que se quede con tu(s) hijo(s), pídele a un amiga que te acompañe con tu(s) hijo(s). Tómate un tiempo para ti, ¡t ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
Day 30 Challenge:
Español? [Clic aqui]
Treat myself to a salon or spa day
Mothers generally tend to take care of everyone but themselves. I, for one, am guilty as charged! But I’ve learned how significant it is to take a few hours to go to the hair salon, nail salon and/or spa as a form of self-care. Our outward appearance is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Although there are moments where we can’t find the time, it’s important to make time. If you are unable to find someone to stay with your kid(s) ask a friend to accompany you with your kid(s). Make time for yourself, mama ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
Dia 29:
English? [Click here]
Preguntar a mi(s) hijo(s): Que fue tu parte favorita de hoy?
Conversar con tu hijo(a) es fundamental para construir una relación sana. Si por lo general te contestan brevemente, pregúntales “¿Cuál fue tu parte favorita de hoy?” o “¿Dime algo bueno que haya pasado hoy?” Les permitirá abrirse y dar una descripción completa de su dia. Este tiempo de calidad es necesario porque te lleva a profundizar en la mente, el corazón y la vida diaria de tu hijo(a). También da espacio para que tu hijo(a) se sienta como prioridad en tu vida, ya que le das toda tu atención al ..read more
A Raad Story
1y ago
Day 29 Challenge:
Español? [Clic aqui]
Ask my child(ren) what was their favorite part of today?
Conversing with your child is fundamental in building a healthy relationship. If they generally short-answer you, ask them, “What was your favorite part of today?” or “Tell me something good that has happened today?” It will allow them to open up and give a thorough description. This type of quality time is necessary because it takes you to delve into your child’s mind, heart, and daily life. It also gives room for your child to feel as a priority in your life as you give him or her your undivi ..read more