Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
The mission of the Global Campaign for Education-US is to promote education as a basic human right and mobilize to create a political will in the United States and internationally to ensure universal quality education, which is at the core of all human development.
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
Reflections from Shruti Nallappa, GCE-US Senior Fellow  ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
The Inclusive Education Thematic Workshop, in the lead up to the February 2022 Global Disability Summit, highlights commitments to inclusive education and efforts to ensure that learners with disabilities are fully included ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
Ahead of Global Partnership for Education's Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021-2025, which took place July 28 and 29, 2021, the Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US), the Inclusive Education & Early Childhood Community of Practice, and partner organizations joined forces to launch a series of events focused on inclusive education, including: Gender-Responsive and Disability Inclusive Education for All, A Roadmap to Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Education, Universal Design for Learning: Impact on policy, practice, and partnerships for inclusive education, From Commitments ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
Ahead of Global Partnership for Education's Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021-2025, which took place July 28 and 29, 2021, the Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US), the Inclusive Education & Early Childhood Community of Practice, and partner organizations joined forces to launch a series of events focused on inclusive education, including: Gender-Responsive and Disability Inclusive Education for All, A Roadmap to Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Education, Universal Design for Learning: Impact on policy, practice, and partnerships for inclusive education, From Commitments ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a pathway for education and learning that removes obstacles to learning, creating an optimal environment for success in the classroom. UDL promotes equal opportunity for all students to succeed. The goal of UDL is to overcome barriers to learning by employing diverse teaching methods and providing flexibility in the classroom, capitalizing on each student’s strengths and identifying individual learning needs ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
In many contexts, community-driven organizations offer girls in difficult circumstances a source of hope and chance at education by paying school fees, providing spaces for daycare, and taking on cases of gender-based violence by seeking legal justice on girls’ behalf. Community-driven organizations can also protect girls from female genital mutilation and early marriage and can support girls to develop and restore their power and agency through continuous training sessions. And that’s just the beginning ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
Description: This event will highlight the importance of inclusive early learning for marginalized children, particularly those with disabilities. Join us for lessons learned in policy, financing, and implementation, including tools and examples from a variety of contexts that include adaptations made during COVID. A panel discussion and interactive activities will allow participants to share experiences and identify ways that promising practices can be replicated in different resource settings ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
The power of education is clear – brighter futures, healthier communities, and increased economic growth for individuals and countries. This is why we urge the United States Congress to allocate for Fiscal Year 2022 at least $1.1 billion for International Basic Education, including at least $150 million for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and at least $50 million for Education Cannot Wait (ECW), both of which complement U.S. bilateral education efforts ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
3y ago
World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honor refugees around the globe. Senior Fellow Shruti Nallappa calls attention to prioritizing education in the Kakuma Refugee Camp and how to build back better post-coronavirus.  ..read more
Global Campaign For Education United States | Action Blog: Inclusive Education
4y ago
Leave No Child Behind: Invest in the Early Years Global Report Launch held on November 19, 2020 ..read more