Catholic Culture Audiobooks
Voice actor James T. Majewski brings to life classic Catholic works, with a special focus on Saint John Henry Newman and the Fathers of the Church.
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
3d ago
"The philosopher might speculate, but the theologian must submit to learn."
St. John Henry Newman's Oxford Sermons, delivered during his time as an Anglican preacher at the University of Oxford, were instrumental in shaping the Oxford Movement, which sought to revive High Church traditions within the Church of England.
In this collection of fifteen sermons, Newman especially explores the relationship between faith and reason, and lays the groundwork for themes he would later develop in works like his Grammar of Assent and Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. In additi ..read more
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
1w ago
“This present feast is one of the greater of the whole year... Because there are three grades of sanctity which we celebrate in this feast.”
St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419) was a Spanish Dominican friar, theologian, and renowned preacher known for his fiery sermons and missionary work across Europe. He was deeply devoted to calling people to repentance, emphasizing the urgency of salvation and often preaching about the Last Judgment. This earned him the moniker "Angel of the Judgment."
In this Candlemas sermon, St. Vincent reflects on the three significant events which this great feast comme ..read more
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
1w ago
"Be sure that wherever our lot is cast we may and must aim at the perfect life."
Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results.
Themes include:
Pursuing a devout life whole-heartedly
Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy
Growing in virtue
Battling wisely against temptation
Making spiritual progress through daily, monthly, and yearly exercises
Whether you are just begin ..read more
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
3w ago
“Love is the light—and in the end, the only light—that can always illuminate a world grown dim and give us the courage needed to keep living and working. Love is possible, and we are able to practice it because we are created in the image of God. To experience love and in this way to cause the light of God to enter into the world—this is the invitation I would like to extend with the present Encyclical.”
Deus Caritas Est, or “God is Love,” was the first encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, released on December 25, 2005. This letter focuses on the nature of Christian love, particularly examining ..read more
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
1M ago
"They are the class of feelings we should have—yes, have in an intense degree—if we literally had the sight of Almighty God; therefore they are the class of feelings which we shall have, if we realize His presence."
This sermon appears among a collection of sermons originally written and preached by St. John Henry Newman before his conversion to Catholicism. In it, Newman emphasizes that true reverence arises from a deep, abiding awareness of God's presence.
Reverence, a Belief in God's Presence full text: https://newmanreader.org/works/parochial/volume5/sermon2.html
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Catholic Culture Audiobooks
2M ago
"You thought perhaps when learned Campion dies,
His pen must cease, his sugared tongue be still;
But you forgot how loud his death it cries
How far beyond the sound of tongue and quill."
In 1581, a young Englishman named Henry Walpole attended the execution of the Jesuit Edmund Campion. As Campion was hung, drawn and quartered, Walpole stood close enough to be spattered with his holy blood. Though Campion’s fame in England was already great, Walpole would amplify it further with a splendid, lengthy poem, which became enormously popular among English Catholics—so popular that the man who printe ..read more
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
3M ago
“This is love in its most radical form. By contemplating the pierced side of Christ, we can understand the starting-point of this Encyclical Letter: “God is love”. It is there that this truth can be contemplated. It is from there that our definition of love must begin. In this contemplation the Christian discovers the path along which his life and love must move.”
Deus Caritas Est, or “God is Love,” was the first encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, released on December 25, 2005. This letter focuses on the nature of Christian love, particularly examining the relationship between God’s love for ..read more
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
3M ago
"For we don't invent marriage... any more than we invent human language. It is part of the creation of humanity and if we're lucky we find it available to us and can enter into it. If we are very unlucky, we may live in a society that has wrecked or deformed this human thing."
Elizabeth Anscombe was a prominent 20th-century British philosopher, known for her influential work in ethics and her deep commitment to Catholic doctrine. In her essay 'Contraception and Chastity'—one of the earliest defenses of Pope Paul VI's encyclical, Humanae Vitae—Anscombe expertly explains the evil of contraceptio ..read more
Catholic Culture Audiobooks
4M ago
My oldest friend, mine from the hour
When first I drew my breath;
My faithful friend, that shall be mine,
Unfailing, till my death...
"St. Michael" full text: https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/st-michael
"Angelic Guidance" full text: https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/angelic-guidance
"Guardian Angel" full text: https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/guardian-angel-2
Happy feast of the Guardian Angels!
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Catholic Culture Audiobooks
4M ago
"In proportion as we lean to our own understanding, we are driven to do so for want of a better guide. Our first true guide, the light of innocence, is gradually withdrawn from us; and nothing is left for us but to 'grope and stumble in the desolate places,' by the dim, uncertain light of reason."
This sermon appears among a collection of sermons originally written and preached by St. John Henry Newman between 1825 and 1843, before his conversion to Catholicism. In it, Newman warns against the dangers of intellectual pride and underscores that the path to true wisdom lies in humble submission ..read more