How I Discovered My Wife’s Extreme Deficiency
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Tullman
2y ago
This is a hard email to write. It’s a story that my wife was very hesitant for me to share publicly. But it’s a scary wake-up call that we need to share as people who care deeply about the plant-based movement and getting people healthy with whole-foods nutrition. Because if it can happen to me (someone who thinks about plant-based nutrition, literally, every single day) then it can happen to anyone. Here’s the story: We recently (secretly) launched a new platform for checking your micronutrients and other biomarkers using a third-party, CLIA-certified lab. It’s pretty cool. So obviously more
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Plant-Based Gut Health 101: Why Immunity, Metabolism, and Longevity Start in the Gut
No Meat Athlete
by Dahlia Marin, RDN, LD and James Marin, RD, EN
2y ago
Longevity, disease prevention, energy, immunity… Every health buzzword comes back to one thing: Your gut. Well, technically the trillions of microbes processing the nutrients from the foods you eat. And when it comes to gut health, the plant-based diet is a superstar promoter. Simply by consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, spices, and herbs every day, you’re pumping your body with a mega-dose of fiber, macronutrients and micronutrients that play a significant role in a healthy flowing and balanced gut microbiome. But if gut health is as easy as eating more
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Run Better Now with these 4 Low-Effort Lifestyle Changes
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
2y ago
I’ve recently come back to running, after going through a long period with almost no interest in it. But this time, it’s different from before. Before, when I was “a runner,” I was doing it for races and for fun. For its own sake. This time, it’s entirely about fitness and longevity. And as such, I want to do it right. Kettlebell training has taught me to pay careful attention to the way I move — out of necessity while performing swings and get-ups and moving around heavy kettlebells in general — which has carried over into greater focus on how I move throughout life. And in my return to more
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Upgrade Your Environment for Longevity and Happiness with these 7 Strategies
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
3y ago
Last month, my family moved into a brand new house we had designed and built.  I never thought we’d build a house, and we didn’t set out to do so with this move.  But after a particularly frustrating first week of house-hunting, when we were nearing hopelessness, a light went on for us:  The things that are most important to us aren’t huge amounts of space or fancy upgrades. Instead, they’re the factors that we know lead to health and happiness, like proximity to the outdoors, interactions with other people, and the activities we love.    In other words, the environmen more
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How I’m Training for My First Ultramarathon in 9 Years… With No Long Runs
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
3y ago
In 2013, I ran my first 100-mile ultramarathon.  And then, just like that, I quit running. Quitting wasn’t really the plan. But I got busy with the tour for my first book, and just never started training again. The 100 had been the culmination of a decade of hard work, ups and downs, a Boston Marathon journey, and of course, a plant-based diet.  I had actually loved running the race, and figured it was the first of many 100’s. But after I stopped, I learned that I really enjoyed not running at all.  So that’s pretty much what I did. For the next nine years. Even When I Used to more
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Rediscover Your Fitness in 2022
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
3y ago
A few years ago, at the start of 2019, I set a huge goal: to get into the best shape of my life by the end of the year. I had in mind a total fitness overhaul: strength, endurance, mobility, and the best diet I could eat. How cool would it be to have it all at once? I spent a long time thinking about how to quantify “best shape of my life.” And I made a lot of plans on how I was going to do it. And by the time 2019 was in the books… I hadn’t done a damn thing. The pandemic in 2020 only made matters worse for my fitness (hello, fresh pasta), and by the end of the year, just before my 40th birth more
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7 Deliciously Simple Ways to Eat More Greens
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
3y ago
Just about everyone needs to eat more greens. Even you, healthy eater. Because according to Dr. Michael Greger, only 1 in 25 Americans eats 12 servings of greens per month.  Which at first sounds kind of good, to think you’re that one person in 25 who gets a gold star. But get this. Twelve servings per month is only a quarter of the amount Dr. Greger says we should be eating for optimal health. He recommends that many servings per week — an amount that very, very few people actually get. Greens are packed with nutrients, and low in calories. So on the ANDI scale, which measures nutrients more
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My Plant-Based ‘Warrior Diet’ Day in the Life
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
3y ago
The best part of The Plant-Based Athlete, in my opinion and many others’, is the “Day in the Life” section — the exact daily diet and workout routines of 25 plant-based athletes, many of them world-class. Of course, I also slipped my own Day in the Life in there, for a decidedly non-world-class, but nonetheless well thought-out and effective, example.  But in the past six months since we submitted the final manuscript, a lot has changed for me personally. Having turned 40 around that same time, I’ve enjoyed a rush of motivation, and built workout and diet habits that I’m not just proud of more
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A Plant-Based Athlete’s ‘Day in the Life’
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
3y ago
I remember fondly, back in 2010, discovering that Tim Ferriss’ 4-Hour Body included a short section about vegan ultrarunner Scott Jurek’s diet, including his grocery list — the first we learned any of details about the Born to Run superstar’s food rituals. Then, in 2012, Scott’s own book Eat & Run came out, with recipes at the end of each chapter. To me, an aspiring vegan ultrarunner myself, these recipes were like gold. The exact food a legend uses to fuel his training? Yes, please. And that’s why in my new book, The Plant-Based Athlete (due out in just 3 days!), co-author Robert Cheeke more
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How I’ve Raised a Superstar Plant-Based Athlete
No Meat Athlete
by Matt Frazier
4y ago
Eleven years ago, I wrote a blog post introducing Baby NMA to the world. Well, to our world. Which back then encompassed about 500 readers of my year-old blog. That baby — my son, Holden — isn’t a baby anymore. But he’s more a No Meat Athlete than ever — he’s been vegan since age 2, and vegetarian before that, and he’s a better athlete than either my wife or I ever was. We’ve known for years that Holden is a special athlete, but I was hesitant to write about him here for a few reasons, mostly just privacy and his young age. But given his soccer accomplishments, I’d put him in the “serious more
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