Relationships; The Good & The Messy
Coaching & mentoring for over 10 + years, here to give you the answers you need ..
Leading you into the best healthiest version of you after toxic/ narcissistic relationships
Breaking toxic patterns, break up recovery , inner child work, stay or go, narcissistic relationships, attracting the wrong ones, finding love & more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
1w ago
Hello lovely humans. Dating again ? Are you ready ? If so I have 4 tips that I feel are super important . It's easy to just look at the basics of a person ie looks, kind, fun etc & yes all of that is important but i want you to really think about the lifestyle you will be living with that person. Knowing yourself is so key as it gives you options & saying no comes easy if it's not a fit.. it's no longer needing love, but choosing love .. so looking at the lifestyle that person currently has will become part of yours and is that a right fit ? Everyone is different but we tend to over lo ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
2M ago
Love that you are here listening .. thank you for being here ., I had a quiet year but I'm coming back big time so stay tuned in please and share
..Today I am sharing 5 questions ( there are so many more ) but these 5 are good start points to see how your new dating partner expresses themselves & open they are . While we can't be sure that we won't attract another narcissist there is plenty we do to heal so we don't .. these questions are good opportunities to go a little deeper in conversation & see how they respond as it will say a lot about who they are ... Narcissists generally ca ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
2M ago
Lovely humans I will go more into depth with some of these points on the next one .. tell me if you can relate ? Trust me the journey out is not easy but once you get there it just feels so good , you don't realise how enslaved you were until free. Every step out is good for your soul and you will get there .. you are not alone . Book your power hour with me today .. let' me give you the road map.. follow me on all socials ~ Sally kalan .. ps I love you ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
2M ago
The episodes I share at present are all about living & healing from narcissistic abuse. There is an epidemic of people living in these situations & I am here to help as many people as possible break the cycle and heal ! Please Dm if you are interested in coaching with me .. TIK TOK I share daily messages @ sally kalan relationship coach, come follow me ❤️You are not alone I promise ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
2M ago
Let’s celebrate being single lovely humans ! Sharing today what I’ve learned from being single and I know you will resonate❤️These are the days to celebrate too, your single season ?Let me know your thoughts I love your feedback. … I’m also looking for guests for the new launch of my new podcast show coming .. if you have been in a toxic situation but recovered and found real love I wanna hear your story .. please Dm Instagram @sallykalan .. Back here in a few days and please share my podcast everywhere as it helps reach people who need to hear this .. love you and remember together we heal. C ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
2M ago
Hi lovely humans?Sharing today why the no contact rule works & why I want for you to listen to the end, let me know if this was helpful and please share & reach out to ask about my 1.1 coaching programs ! Healing after a break up & ending all toxic cycles ~ I’ve got you ❤️spots limited & book your initial free call to discuss where you are at & the program❤️empowering you to not only heal but thrive into the best version of yourself ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
2M ago
Trust me you need to leave sooner than later . I'm here to remind you that you are not alone and I need you to know that the longer you stay the harder it is. It's a quick message reminding you that staying will ultimately hurt your soul and you deserve so much more . They care sbout noone but them self .. this is your reminder to exit and put yourself first . I see you
❤️you are not alone ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
3M ago
Lovelies I'm keeping this short and succinct .. ❤️ here's the thing they often come back, in fact nearly always, and how do you know if it's a Hoover back or a real change? well have a listen and please be aware . I know we want to believe they have changed but rarely they do !!! So let me know if this has happened to you ... ? I'm here for you ... let me know if you have managed to break free and how you are doing . 1.1 coaching available ..sending you long ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
3M ago
Morning lovelies . Are you all well ? I hope so .. I am here to continually give you reminders and helpful tips
Today's show please note on point 4 about bad communicators, I forgot to mention that it is intentional.. I didn't mention the intentional part oops but it's an important part of why they do it .. It's intentional to keep you confused .
That being said I am here to guide you into the best version of you and as I mention at the start of todays show , I want to give you knowledge around healing from narcissistic abuse but I am going to share alot more on creating a new identity after t ..read more
Relationships; The Good & The Messy
4M ago
Lovely humans ., please listen to these red flags .trust me these are so important because getting out sooner than later is paramount !!! Trust me your brain chemistry will be altered in these relationships, you gotta get out sooner than later.., you are not alone.. can you notice these red flags in your relationships ? Are you still in a relationship? Please reach out if I can help I will be back in a couple of days ..read more