Today Through Jewish Eyes
Antisemitism follows us through history wherever we go, like a dark cloud over our heads. Its origins have never changed, but its methods have evolved with time, inviting more unexpected perpetrators every day. Olivier raises questions related to ethics, spirituality, and culture. In this podcast, he will try to answer these questions and equip you to tackle the issue in your own communities and..
Today Through Jewish Eyes
3y ago
There are four criteria that connect to Kristallnacht: Identification, demonization, ostracism and apathy. All these were in preparation for the final destruction planned by Hitler. They have parallels in today's world and how the Jewish people are perceived and handled. Let's get into it ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
3y ago
Sir Winston Churchill once said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” This was most likely a reference to Sir Neville Chamberlain who had naively thought that he could appease Adolf Hitler. The rest is history and, suffice it to say, Mr. Chamberlain and the Allies were proven wrong about fifty million times over.
Fast forward to today, and there should really be no dialogue with those who want to replace and/or eliminate Western civilization. Appeasement is one of the greatest weaknesses of the postmodern West and will very likely become part of it ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
3y ago
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream decided to stop selling their ice cream to the Israeli settlements in Judea/Samaria (improperly labeled the West Bank). It is entirely within their rights to do so, but it is also entirely within ours to stop buying Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. Is it possible to say that it is also our duty as bible believing followers of Yeshua and supporters of Israel to “defund Ben & Jerry”, to use a term that everybody can relate to? Now, apply that principle to other areas in your own life where BDS is infringing, and we can start making an impact by using the boycott princ ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
3y ago
An exclusive conversation with Jeff Kinley, author of the BESTSELLER "Interview with the Antichrist" ALL YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE ANTICHRIST! A BIBLICAL OVERVIEW ON: • WHEN? • WHERE? • WHO? • WHY? • HOW ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
3y ago
I have identified 6 signs revealing that we are in a 21st-century version of the 1930s. When we remember how that previous era ended for six million Jews, it should bring chills down our spine and it should really motivate people of goodwill in general and Bible-believing Christians in particular, to expose the lies and fight for the truth. The sad reality is that this time, not just the Jews are the target, but Christians as well. This being said, and as history has shown, the Jews are the first to be targeted and they are persecuted the most. There is a reason why antisemitism is often calle ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
3y ago
An analysis of the Christ at the Checkpoint Manifesto to better equip Christians about the issues of the Middle East ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
3y ago
There are not that many topics in the Bible that cause so much controversy as the Rapture does. Some people believe in it, some don't. From those who believe that the Rapture is a real event that will be fulfilled literally–and I belong to that group–many positions exist. The Rapture might happen before the Tribulation, during or after. I personally believe that the Rapture will occur before the Great Tribulation, leaving behind all those who have not placed their trust in the atoning death of Yeshua the Messiah for their sins. So, on the spectrum of end-times events, we find many markers repr ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
4y ago
Genesis 3:15 is also commonly called the protoevangelium (the “first gospel”) simply because it is the first occurrence of any proclamation of a promise of a redeemer from God to mankind. It is just a glimpse but nevertheless, it sets the stage for the coming redeemer. Visit us on YouTube for more! https://www.youtube.com/c/OlivierMelnick/videos ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
4y ago
When people hear that we are in the last days, many of them, suffering from some sort of eschatological fatigue, roll their eyes and move on. Are those of us claiming that it is 11:59 at the eleventh hour just sensationalists? Are we overreacting and redirecting our focus on the less important at the expense of what matters in life? Frankly, it all depends on what our focus is being redirected to. GET OLIVIER'S LATEST BOOK ON ANTISEMITISM: END-TIMES ANTISEMITISM - A New Chapter in the Longest Hatred at: https://www.amazon.com/End-Times-Anti ..read more
Today Through Jewish Eyes
4y ago
You do not want to miss this interview with retired IDF Tank Commander David Tal from Israel. He brings insight and the truth behind the 2021 Conflict. Feel free to share so that people can actually understand what is going on ..read more