The Fool
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
The Fool beautifully reflects the month of April, as a powerful symbol of new beginnings, fresh starts, and taking leaps of faith into the unknown. The Fool is the first card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck, and it is represented by a carefree person standing at the edge of a cliff, with one foot hanging over the edge, with a small knapsack on their shoulder and a white rose in their hand. The Fool, the Rebel, and the Master, are all the same archetype. In order to become a Master (of yourself), you must be a Rebel. In order to be a Rebel, you must first be a Fool, because the Fool kn more
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Spring Into Spring
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
A friend of mine was surprised when I mentioned that we were almost at the peak of Spring. 'Surely, it's just the start - it's been freezing' he replied. Despite the cold weather we are having, the peak of Spring is heralded by the Spring Equinox, when the Sun is balanced between day and night. Then the days get longer and warmer, until Summer Solstice, when the cycle reverses and the nights get longer. When we try to fit into man-made time, life becomes more stressful and anxious, because we are following a calendar and clock that has no bearing to natural law. We lose our connection to the more
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Loving Ourselves This Valentine’s
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
February is considered the month of love, dominated by Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate, honour, and show our affection to our loved ones, but What is LOVE? Nowadays, Valentine's Day has become a billion dollar industry. We have been made to believe that if we spend money lavishing gifts on our loved ones on this day, we can be exonerated for any bad behaviour we exhibit for the rest of the year.  Western society has taught us that we can only really feel whole when we are in a relationship, and insists we can only be truly happy when we find our ‘twin flame’ or ‘soul mate.’ It ha more
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Friday The 13th - Lucky for Some
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
If you are feeling a bit discombobulated and uneasy today, you can blame it on Friday the 13th, the most feared and superstitious day of the Christian year. Over time, this day has become known as unlucky, and its been estimated that approximately twenty-one million people in the States are physically affected by this day. So why has Friday 13th  become so unlucky? There are a many explanations for why this day has been cemented into the human psyche as negative, but we can look at the rise of patriarchy and Christian religion when Friday and the number thirteen were considered &nbs more
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A New Cycle Begins on the Equinox
Living Shamanically
by Zoe Watson
6M ago
Astrologers believe that we have been moving out of the Age of Pisces, represented by Christianity, patriarchy and domination, and into the new Age of Aquarius, represented by the female water bearer that cleanses the earth, nourishes our dreams, and can see beyond the limitations of the rational, logical mind. Many astrologers believe that we entered this new Age on Winter Solstice 2020, when Saturn and Jupiter both moved into Aquarius for the first time in hundreds of years. Together, they have been in the earth sign of Capricorn, and for the next two hundred years they will be in the air s more
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Mushrooms, Cacao and Blue Lotus - Essential Plant Medicines for these turbulent times
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
The most important thing the plant medicines taught me was that I am a part of this wondrous eco-system, not apart from it. What I do to myself, I am doing to the earth, and what I do to the earth, I am doing to myself. There is no separation - we are one and the same. They helped me transform from separation consciousness, to unity consciousness. I am now on a mission to help to bring humanity and the environment back into balance. The plant medicines showed me that humanities only real purpose is to leave this planet healthy and thriving for future generations. If we don’t look after the pl more
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This is the story of Life
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
As we come to the middle of the year, when the planet is flooded with warm sunlight, or cold darkness, it's important to remember that embedded in every burden is a great blessing, and embedded in every blessing is a great burden. Our experience of life depends solely on our perspective - and what we are choosing to see. Whenever I felt life was being unfair, and there was too much darkness, my father would remind me of this beautiful Taoist story: “An old farmer relied heavily on his horse for the main bulk of the work on his farm. One day this only horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his more
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Earthday 2022:A Shamanic Perspective
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
Earthday has been celebrated on April 22nd every year since 1970. It was a movement set up to inspire, challenge ideas, ignite passion and motivate people into action on climate change. It gave a voice to the awakening consciousness at that time, and was conceived to channel human energy into environmental issues, and forge a healthier relationship to our planet. But fifty-two years later, we are in an even worse environmental crisis. Ignoring the science, the IPCC, and the environmentalists, we have not only continued with our over exploitation of the earth’s resources for financial gain, th more
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Spring Clean
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
As March approaches, and the world comes out of one crisis and straight into another, keeping ourselves motivated, positive, and uplifted is becoming increasingly challenging. We are about to enter a new cycle that starts on March Equinox 2022, and will last till Winter Solstice 2023. As we head deeper into the year we will feel a significant energetic and vibrational shift. Already, as the last cycle from March Equinox 2020, until Winter Solstice 2021 completed, and we prepare for this new one, the narrative has also changed, from coronavirus to war, and potential World War. With all the n more
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The Month of Love
Living Shamanically
by REBEKAH Shaman
6M ago
We have reached February, and the month of the year representing Love, Passion, and Intimacy. Nature is beginning to stir, and just as the young shoots are preparing to break through the soil, we are also starting to germinate our dreams and visions that we have planted over the winter months. This month will go very quickly, as we speed towards the Spring Equinox, so use the inspiring boost of energy over this Aquarius new moon to find focus in the chaos. Go out into nature and become aware of the changes that are happening around you; the buds on the trees, the snowdrops, and other early spr more
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