What do we need to protect against? The latest threats
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
3w ago
New Invasive Technologies In the realm of alternative and spiritual healing, we are constantly coming up against new technologies for invading our sovereignty. New methods are being created so fast, it is hard for shamans to keep up with solutions.  For many centuries shamans have been dealing with the same issues: curses, entities, energetic cords, mind control, alien implants etc. We have well tested methods for dealing with these, but not many practitioners are able to keep up with the constant development of new invasive technologies. So let’s list some of the new problems I have had ..read more
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Dealing with chaos, violence and uncertainty
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
3M ago
Bifurcation and tethering to our best future As we come towards bifurcation, we see many contrasts in the world: On one hand the threat of war, total loss of freedom, totalitarian organisations and AI, and on the other hand, reformation of the banking systems, erasing of debts, arresting of corrupt leaders of said organisations, and truth leaking out. In between these opposites, and in this time of change, we experience chaos and uncertainty.  The first thing to remember is that in between where you are now and where you are going, there is always chaos. The old has to break down so your ..read more
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The Solar Eclipse: Preparing for Great Change
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
As I am sure you are all aware of the impending Solar Eclipse on 8 April, 2024 and have heard much about its potential for change and awakening, what I want to cover is how to be prepared for change.  Preparing for change – stepping into the unknown and vulnerability First of all, any new step in evolution is unknown, so we need to let go of needing to know and be ready to embrace the unknown.  Secondly, between where we are now and where we are going, there is chaos. So with chaos and the unknown, how do we navigate our way to the most positive future? Before I go into the energies ..read more
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Exploring the Sequence of Suppression and Healing Emotional Trauma
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
In my new video, I explore the sequence of emotional suppression and healing emotional trauma. I start by outlining the mechanism by which emotions and traumas are stored in the body – probably something you will not have heard about before – and what you need to do to fully release them and heal at a profound level. Without this understanding, any healing methods you try, whether it be for physical, psycho-emotional or even spiritual issues, are likely to have superficial or short-lived success. The order of emotional levels, related endocrine glands, chakras and related physical and emotion ..read more
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Seventh Dimension, High Magick and Choice
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
We have so far explored the increasing possibilities up to the sixth dimension. What changes in the seventh dimension is that the past becomes far more fluid. In the sixth dimension all timelines begin at the same point; i.e. the Big Bang. In the seventh dimension timelines can start at different points in time; there is no absolute. As the past becomes more malleable, it also becomes less important. We are no longer defined by our past; there is no fixed identity of who and what we are, no past causality; only choice.  The Realm of High Magick This brings us to the realm of High Magick ..read more
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The Matrix – Are we living in a Simulation?
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
There is much thought these days about whether we are living in a simulation, so let’s look at how likely this is.  Perception and Conditioned Belief The first point to consider is how much our perception is controlled by conditioned belief. There is the famous story of the Magellan ships. The natives on the island could not see the ships, as they had no concept of a ship. Only the shaman could see them, as he was used to seeing beyond normal perception. He gradually taught the others to see the ships by pointing out small familiar components, such as a piece of cloth, which was the flag ..read more
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Responsibility: The Ability to Respond — Our Greatest Freedom
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
Misconceptions and the dynamics of responsibility and freedom Many people see responsibility as a burden, usually associated with fault or blame. This misconception is often planted in our childhood, when for example, your mother might ask “Who’s responsible for this mess?”, meaning who’s going to get punished for it, so you straight away want to deny responsibility.  Responsibility is not fault or blame; it’s the ability to respond. What I want to show you now is that it is the greatest key to freedom.  First of all, in the development of consciousness, we grow into a triangle of fr ..read more
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Intuition and Logic and What Blocks Them
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
People often think that intuition and logic are somehow opposed, and that being logical blocks intuition, but this is not so. Here I am going to clear up some misconceptions and explain how these different aspects of consciousness work together.  Intuition prefixes and suffixes rational thinking. We first get an idea intuitively, then develop upon it rationally, and where rational thinking comes to a stop, intuition takes over again and leads us to even deeper understanding. This does not mean absolute certainty; rather it’s the way our minds work to take us as far as possible.  Neit ..read more
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6th Dimensional Healing – Don’t Despair – You Can Change Your Fate
Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
Continuing our exploration of higher dimensions, why is 6th dimensional healing needed?  Does it seem like all roads lead to Hell? Have you ever had the feeling that some painful area of your life will never, ever go away, or that your pain or failure are fated, and cannot be prevented? This is just what we are dealing with here. How is it that something negative and unfair becomes pre-determined and inevitable? The answer lies in how choices and beliefs can be pushed deep into the unconscious, making a condition more fixed the deeper it goes. One can access deeper levels of consciousness ..read more
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Aziz Shamanism
by Peter
4M ago
To continue from my last blog on the Fourth and Fifth dimensions, I will now explain how moving up to higher dimensions affects our relationship with time. As 3-dimensional beings, we have control of our movement in three spatial dimensions; i.e. we can move backwards and forwards, left and right, and up and down, but our movement through time is limited to moving forward at a constant rate. We have no control of it. The Fourth Dimension and Travelling back in Time to make Different Choices As we embrace the fourth dimension, our awareness, and therefore our control of time increases. We can b ..read more
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