Plastic Possibilities
The editors of PlasticsToday speak with newsmakers and industry experts about developments and trends in the plastics industry and the various end markets it serves.
Plastic Possibilities
2y ago
As brand owners and OEMs race to meet sustainability goals, it makes eminent sense to design sustainability into a product at its inception rather than waiting to deal with it at the end of its life cycle. Michael Kiely, Principal Device Development Engineer at Jabil Healthcare, led the development of the Design for Sustainability process at his company. In this podcast, he outlines his approach and explains how this organizational change can help deliver long-term cost savings ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
2y ago
ICIS analyst Jeremy Pafford recaps resin pricing trends in the first half of this year and outlines what might be ahead in the next six months ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
2y ago
Our guest this month is Jeremy Pafford, Head of North America, Market Development, at business intelligence firm ICIS. As always, we began our conversation with a recap of resin pricing trends in the previous month and a look at what might be in store in the months ahead. Pafford also discussed a proposed ruling from the Securities and Exchange Commission that involves calculating companies’ carbon footprints. This could have a significant impact on your business, but, if you play your cards right, it could also provide you with a competitive advantage ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
2y ago
In last month’s Resin Report Monthly Edition podcast, my guest Joseph Chang described a volatile market in terms of resin pricing and availability. Has anything changed? Is the merry month of May living up to its name? We checked in with Emily Friedman at business intelligence firm ICIS to find out ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
3y ago
Joseph Chang, Global Editor of ICIS Chemical Business, shares insights on trends in the plastics resin market ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
3y ago
On its face, the Plastic Credit Exchange (PCX) sounds a lot like a carbon offset scheme. You purchase credits equal to the amount of plastic waste you produce, and the PCX invests those credits to offset your activity. Yes, the concept does borrow from carbon offset programs, but it differs in its fundamentals, transparency, and execution, according to PCX founder Nanette Medved-Po. In this episode of Plastic Possibilities, she explains how ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
3y ago
Rui Tocha, General Manager of Engineering and Tooling from Portugal, talks about the cluster's ability to provide turnkey solutions across the value chain, supporting global customers from product development and mold design to finished product ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
3y ago
Rui Tocha, General Manager of Engineering and Tooling from Portugal, talks about the cluster's ability to provide turnkey solutions across the value chain, supporting global customers from product development and mold design to finished product ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
3y ago
Have you heard of LiquiGlide? It's a kind of miracle coating for containers that makes nearly 100% of viscous products that consumers struggle dispensing to slide off surfaces cleanly as if by magic from bottles, tubes, and other type of containers. These include lotions, creams, toothpaste, conditioners, ketchup, and other products.
It turns out that familiar usage only scratches the surface of what this technology developed in the labs of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) brings to the table. In this 14-minute podcast, LiquiGlide CEO Dave Smith discusses...
A thumbnail history ..read more
Plastic Possibilities
3y ago
Resin pricing has reached near-historic levels over the past few months, as reported in our frequent updates on PlasticsToday. Hurricane Ida did not affect resin capacity as much as the freak February storm did, but it has aggravated the difficult supply and demand dynamics that plastics processors continue to wrestle with. To learn more, we spoke with Zachary Moore, Deputy Managing Editor, Americas, of ICIS, a business intelligence resource on the global chemical and energy markets. Moore has been working in the petrochemicals industry for the past 11 years, and in this podcast he shares his ..read more