Ep. 7: This House Is A Circus
The Lunatics Do IVF
3y ago
In this week's episode The Lunatics get ready for what could potentially be the most important day of their lives which, of course, falls during an already crazy week.  A new job and a new diagnosis add to the stress and so-called "excitement" of yet another dramatic  time in the life of The Lunatics.  Alix comes to terms with Craig's napping habits whilst eating pineapple like a Beaver and Craig finally figures out why he's wired the way he is.  It's another deep dive into the mad mad world of The Lunatics! SHOW INFORMATION Instagram  @thelunaticsdoivf Facebook&nbs ..read more
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Ep. 2: The Long & Winding Road
The Lunatics Do IVF
3y ago
The Lunatics take you down the long roads they took on their fertility journey before coming to the decision to start IVF.  All the tests, procedures, operations and Craig's very important contribution are discussed in detail.  No subject is off limits when they recount their stories & experiences as you'll find out in this very revealing episode.   SHOW INFORMATION  Instagram  @thelunaticsdoivf Facebook  @TheLunaticsDoIVF Website  thelunaticsdoivf.buzzsprout.com/ Email  thelunaticsdoivf@gmail.com Twitter  @TheLunaticsDo ..read more
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Ep. 1: Who Are You?
The Lunatics Do IVF
3y ago
In their first episode, The Lunatics give you a glimpse into their life, relationship and how they got to where they are now: doing IVF.  From how they met, their first argument and the many that have followed since, you'll get a better understanding of why they're known as The Lunatics.   SHOW INFORMATION  Instagram  @thelunaticsdoivf Facebook  @TheLunaticsDoIVF Website  thelunaticsdoivf.buzzsprout.com/ Email  thelunaticsdoivf@gmail.com Twitter  @TheLunaticsDo ..read more
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Ep. 16: Freedom
The Lunatics Do IVF
by Craig and Alix Malcolm
3y ago
The Lunatics are back (again) after a physical and mental health break and are here to fill you in on the happenings since Alix was released from hospital for the second time.  Having not recorded for awhile means they have even more things to banter about and excuses to take them completely off topic.  Alix gives up her title of Top Dog but announces she would be the Ultimate Survivor while Craig takes over her usual role as the nervous wreck in the house.  There's a deep discussion on mental health broken by Alix sharing WAY too much personal information (as per usual).  ..read more
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Ep. 15: Crying On The Bathroom Floor
The Lunatics Do IVF
by Craig and Alix Malcolm
3y ago
The Lunatics are back and even more sick than before!  Well, Alix is.  In this episode, they take you through yet another medical adventure where Alix has her eye on a Doctor and Craig makes the most of hospital food.  Typically, they don't make anything easy on themselves including pregnancy and they discuss in detail the physical and mental toll on both of them.  This episode delves deep into what it's like to be pregnant after infertility and we learn how that mindset never really leaves you.   ..read more
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Ep. 8: Finally
The Lunatics Do IVF
3y ago
It's the big day for The Lunatics as they finally undergo their first embryo transfer after seven months of waiting.  Stress levels and nerves are on high alert as they prepare themselves for the receiving of extremely special cargo through the wonder of science.  Craig does his best to explain the miraculous process while Alix proves how very little she knows about her body.  They explore how they've dealt with the big day FINALLY being here, the stresses of the days that follow as well as the upcoming dreaded "two week wait".  As usual, they deal with it through their own ..read more
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Ep. 14: You Make Me Sick
The Lunatics Do IVF
by Craig and Alix Malcolm
3y ago
After a mini-break and with a new schedule, The Lunatics are back with another update of their insane journey.  Alix tries and fails to give a geography lesson and complains about her "chub", while Craig just tries to cope with the stress that Alix likes to put him through.  In typical fashion they don't know when to stop sharing the gory details of an extremely tough first trimester.  It's an eye opening look into the "miracle" of life and what happens when a very planned pregnancy doesn't go exactly as planned.   ..read more
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Ep. 6: The Drugs Don't Work
The Lunatics Do IVF
by Craig and Alix Malcolm
3y ago
In this week's episode we get an honest and hilarious look into what happens when a couple is forced to spend even more time together as the Lunatics laugh their way through the stress of the past month and its various setbacks.  They discuss how life has been since Craig unexpectedly lost his job and how a very hormonal Alix has dealt with the change.  Craig attempts to break the record of how many different accents a person can do during a podcast episode while Alix empathizes with elephants.  It's a humorous and stilly episode topped off with an unhealthy amount of bickering ..read more
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Ep. 3: Start Me Up!
The Lunatics Do IVF
by Craig and Alix Malcolm
3y ago
In this emotional rollercoaster of an episode, The Lunatics take you through the all important Prep Phase of IVF and the hormonal hell that comes along with it.  There are a few tears and a lot of laughs as they recount the month that Alix was a human pin cushion and Craig's priceless deposit.  They delve deep into the ups and downs of a very stressful time and what they would do differently if they did it all again.  It's an insightful  and humorous look into the pressures that trying to make a baby can put onto a relationship.   SHOW INFORMATION  Instagram&nb ..read more
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Ep. 13: Return of the Mack
The Lunatics Do IVF
by Craig and Alix Malcolm
3y ago
We're back Baby!  After a bit of a hiatus, The Lunatics are back with a bang and have loads to talk about (though Alix can barely string a sentence together).  Lots has happened since the last episode though nothing has changed in their relationship as Alix unnaturally tries to pay Craig a compliment while he continues to take the piss.  They recap the last couple of months and the events that lead up to them having to take a bit of a break.  As usual, nothing is off limits as the "joys" of the first trimester are discussed in excruciating detail in this open book of an epi ..read more
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